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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Jim, they drove the traction engines about 20K with their stinky shacks to the show. That's love!
  2. Here is one of the trailers that would get pulled behind the Traction engine when moved from farm to farmThey call them stinky shacks due the hard working men who traveled with the tractor. Here, Nigel showing us aroundand a true steel toe shoeNigel brought a water tank er with his Globetrotter Volvo to refill the traction enginesWe enjoyed a cold beer in the shade along with Nigels mate Ian who brought two tractors from AustraliaSome Clydedales offering a rideA great summer day
  3. Whilst in NZ the Kristen and I attended the Coleridge power station show, on the wayShifting sheepSheep and the AlpsA beautiful day for a driveThe traction engines were awesomeNigel dressed for the occasionMore to come!
  4. Paul, the top of the bucket list for sure! Max and I would love to go surf casting with you( I plan on spending every winter there!)The fishing is awesome and the scenery is too!
  5. Great job, Looks like you'll have it ready in time.
  6. Damn good idea! That will kill your spine!
  7. Paul, the water truly is amazing, fresh or salt. Elephant fish are really tasty and are caught surf castingThis guy took his Toyota Hilux right to the waters edgeGood thing the wind was blowing east or he couldn't have gotten that close.
  8. Welcome back from the brink!
  9. Here is a company that makes trailers in NZAll different shapes and sizes!
  10. We had dish up till ten years ago when I came into the house one evening from the barn and no dinner ready. Both the wife and boy were nose deep in the tele. I walked over and disconnected it. They squawked for a couple weeks but things got better and more productive. We do watch movies on Netflix.
  11. Thanks for the info Timmyb, this truck is a 2008 and pulls very well. I really like the Australian models. Sit higher and better looking than the states. Red Horse, the trailer has 3 rows of 8 [][]-[][] [][]-[][]
  12. 10-4 I'll have to ask the driver or I'll pop the hood!
  13. Looks like a good week out on the road. Glad the DMV was working the other side of the road!
  14. Welcome and enjoy your Superliner
  15. Ozzie and Kiwi do sound similar but totally different. My son Max can talk Kiwi very well and knows all the sayingBut a fish story is a fish story no matter how you say it!
  16. Vlad the stone will suck any vehicle in if your not careful and I've seen a lot of Patrols on u tube in Russia. They are still a very popular 4x4 all around the world
  17. 10-4 Paul floating and shifting gear from here and there. This transformer was floated to Lyttleton PortThen shifted to Timaru.
  18. Could have used the snorkel on the hood for a periscope.
  19. thomastractor, Thanks! We would like to fit in. I find that the sun is very intense, no that hot but you will get burned if you don't over up.I love my speights hat!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. True Jim especially here in New England but in NZ it is the practice. Ezrider, for sure we had a ball and looking forward to the next trip. You can run along the beaches tooMake sure you bring a tow strap
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