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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thank Mick, It was either the Nissan of a Land Cruiser. Paul, this one is a auto but no worries so far. Got it stuck on the beach but figured it out, lots of fun!
  2. Bought a Nissan Sufari Grandroad and it is an amazing SUVStraight axles 4.2 diesel that will go almost a millionKThey were also avilable in a ute or two door SUV. In Assie they were called a Ford Maverick. Would have been very popular in the states.
  3. Thanks Paul I'll look into that!
  4. 10-4 Jim She is very nice!This one was cute too!
  5. Great finds Mike, Just tell your wife your working in conjunction with the humane society and you have more room for strays at your house.
  6. Paul the country side is awesome and the people top notch! GG2 I agree 100%!
  7. Bon Jour Jeff, That is a great one! Made me laugh my ass off! Thank you for getting us to the airport on time and all that you do for us! Oh don't worry about Kristen's F150, I'll take the black and orange Superliner with the e9 500! I'll call you from Max's phone when he gets back from spending time in Christchurch with his Kiwi lady friend...
  8. Thanks guys! Here is our first time with Max after 6 monthsHere we are on the Banks PeninsulaHere is our friend RoadusechargesHere is our 1989 Nissan Sufari dieselIt's a tank, diesel 4.2L with two oil filters!
  9. Thank you everyone for your kind comments!!!! We arrived on time on Sunday morning in Christchurch at 9:30 AM after we passed the international time zone, so we were up for a long time. Ater a short 1.5 hour trip from Auckland to Chch we finally saw our boy! He is now as tall as me! Must be the sunshine! I'll have many pictures to share as soon as I figure out this Wifi on the new camera. We are having the time of our life!
  10. Thanks Guys! We are so excited! Dinner tonight with our friends from Quebec then off to NZ! Mike We got 6" of snow last night and I wont be missing that! Joe don't work to hard this winter! We only work 8 months due to the weather. GG2 we bought a new camera to get all the great trucks. I plan on keeping everyone informed. Take care all! Tim
  11. Well we are headed to New Zealand and first going to Montreal for Thanksgiving where Fullfuel01 is driving us to the airport Friday morning. Flight got changed from San Fransisco to Vancouver and then to Auckland and Christchurch. Max has purchased an old SUV for us to run around in for 7 weeksLooking forward to seeing him and spending Christmas and The New Year with him and all the beauty that NZ has to offer...oh and Roadusecharges, well see him too! I'll post pics of the trucks I see. Tim
  12. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  13. Brought this home with Fullfuel01 1975 R model with a 1959 Fruehauf tankerPulled Sheffield Heights in high gear at 55 mph.
  14. Perfect! This can be said about all of us!
  15. Good luck and the more diverse you are the better the resume' and one door opens another!
  16. Welcome and Damn! No pictures of snow yet!
  17. Welcome! Love to see some pictures!
  18. Great pictures and eat your greens! There good for you!
  19. Welcome and awesome truck!
  20. Awesome! Now the real fun starts!
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