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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thanks for all the great ideas! Kristen is always scared to be to far from an airport when we travel but I'll be damned if I'm sitting around for 7 hours. We are going to do something fun while we wait.
  2. It's not too bad because we got to pick our seats. Next to the exit door for my long legs!
  3. Well Max has finally sent us pictures of what he is doing in New Zealand. Welding on the south island for a gentleman that builds dairy sheds and parlors. Traveling to the west coast for work also.Max is having a great time and we are very proud of him.
  4. Thanks Mark! We'll see how much time we have. Looking forward to it!
  5. Great pics Tom! See people texting every day through our work zones....Big fine if caught!
  6. Sivart, It will be a 36 hour trip with our layover. 12 hours to the north island from San Fran. then 1.5 hours from there. Flying out of Montreal.
  7. Thanks Jim! Those are some great idea's.
  8. Hello everyone, I haven't been on much of late due to my work schedule away from home but gotta love Labor day weekend! Kristen and I are headed to NZ to see our son Max the weekend after Thanksgiving. We'll have a seven hour layover in San Francisco. Never have been there and would anyone have some idea's for us? Thanks! Tim
  9. Perfect! Say's a lot about a man and his truck, Great job!
  10. Hello Randy! Good to hear from you and glad you've been busy. Hope the weather cools down some for you and feel better!
  11. Lot's of time and effort hear! Sharp!
  12. Very nice, Awesome for paving!
  13. WTF sitting at the land fill? That's just wrong...Makes it that much harded to be self employed....Good luck Ed!
  14. Amazing!
  15. Headed to Challenge 255 on August 16th with Fullfuel01 and the Jeal boysThis will be the first year the wife is coming. Hope she likes smoke and dirt!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Great to see friends help each other out and keep the old trucks rolling.
  18. Tom, what do those saw blades cut? Pretty interesting. Nice pics of the local wild life!
  19. Good luck with your new toys Mike!
  20. Great find you'll find a lot of uses for her. Good luck!
  21. Great pics and love the old COE Pete!
  22. Glad you guys could hook up and visit. Love that generator. That would power my whole village! It's awesome when we can meet up with people of the same interests. Tin foil hats and all!
  23. Wow that is Beautiful! You'll try many heads with that one!
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