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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Nie truck! Welcome!
  2. Sorry ECD I'm sure he had a great life with you.
  3. Love the tee shirt Tom, I hope Other Dog doesn't fertilize your cabbage plants you may get some sauerkraut!
  4. Vlad I can relate to your story. My cousins can't get much from here unless I send it then it takes 2 months to get! My company uses Fastenal from nuts and bolts to cleaning supplies. They come once to twice a week to fill the bins and orders.
  5. Love the vest and did pringles come out 30 years ago?
  6. Great set of pics. and glad you didn't let them distract you from your mission. Like Hat said they know your #1!
  7. Paul so many uses our Grandparents had for these old tractors and the kids knocked off the dog where it was parked so we used what was at hand Boss man this is me in my glory days with my evil twin Handsome devils
  8. Stool sample would help to identify anything out of the ordinary. Could have found something in the woods? Checked him for lime? When one of my Bernerds got severly over heated my vet told us use cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol on his pads to lower his temp. Dogs temp should be around 101 so he is fighting something off. good luck ECD.
  9. Great find Justin and you've got a clean unit there. As shaunharley2005 said it is awesome to have younger folk interested in the old stuff. My son was the same way with his first old RD and hauled hay back to the barn with it. Good luck!
  10. Very nice Paul, Great little tractors. Here I am 30 years ago working for Anthony Julian
  11. Vlad, thank you for sharing your pictures and awesome bunch of models!
  12. Here is a Fargoand a REO Speed wagon Bill Richardson's Muesum.
  13. Damn...you'd go broke if you had to buy snow fence for that driveway!
  14. When Men were Men and trucks were wood!
  15. Winter is getting hard on mother natures creaturesThe snow is deep and the coyotes are able to run on top of the snow The turkeys can't forage on the groundThe Chickadees are doing well though
  16. Volvo's feel safe in packs and always put the lead beagle in the middle. Great set of pics!
  17. New mats are nice to haul and dirty mats are used for fishing rafts in Windfall! Nice set of pictures.
  18. Thanks Mike, Max has his pipe certs. and is looking forward to using them. Good luck to your son in law school!
  19. Hey Boss, You have attention to detail
  20. Thanks Eastcoast! I'll let him know, Max likes this diesels too! Thank you Ed, sounds like you have a great kid too! I think a good up bringing with strong work ethics help. Max is partial to cats
  21. Wow! That looks awesome! Great job!
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