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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thank you! Nothing wrong with handing Dad wrenches and learning the different sizes. Learning that if it moves and pivots that it probably has a grease fitting. Hard work and nose to the grind stone. I've always told Max;"Don't ask what do you want me to do?" Ask, "What can I do for you now"! Nice to hear your son is enjoying his career too!
  2. Thank you! I've talked many hours over the years with Max on respecting your elders and being the new kid on the block you will get razzed a lot. Laugh along with it and you will fit right in. If you buck then they will eat you up. Watch, listen and learn. On the job training is the best way and something new everyday.
  3. Thanks you all! I've let him know and he is going back Monday for two more certs. I can't what to see where this takes him!
  4. You are right on the money and Max will weld for Uncle Jeff and Chume' anytime you need him Thank you, we need more blue collar kids to keep this country moving!
  5. Thanks Ron! Very proud of the boy! For sure, he is pretty excited to get going with his future.
  6. Congratulations Jim! looks like a awesome truck and a great change!
  7. Thank you Gentlemen I used to get flack from folks that I worked him to hard on the farm but hard work gave Max a sense of accomplishment and value. Cow crap helped him grow big and strong!
  8. Last Thursday my son Maxim graduated from Advanced Welding Institute with twenty Certifications. We are very proud of his hard work and dedication to his studies. He also milked cows after school to help with expenses and would get mad if we tried to give him money for food and gas He's looking forward to the future and new beginnings!
  9. A few old pictures from my brothers collection I believe they are all from California Pretty neat old pics. This pole has a door rap
  10. Happy Birthday Gentlemen and many many more!
  11. Welcome and enjoy!
  12. Welcome Tommy, Nice trucks you have there and that coe is classic.Hope southern Vt. is a bit warmer than the NEK this AM -18
  13. Try changing your filter too, this might help.
  14. My cousin sent me some pictures of his neighbors B 67 that he is thinking about selling. I'll know more this week. Truck looks pretty clean and would make someone a good one.
  15. Wow very nice set up RR, Hope you fuel is cheaper than Vermont (4.42) a gallon!!! Congratulations and good luck!
  16. Great set of pictures Rob! Can't wait to see her back on the big road!
  17. Welcome and enjoy!
  18. Gotta love the hills in Vermont for that! I would run lower temp thermostats in mine and it helped. A better fan would have helped too. 464 gears and nothing in my area caught it on the hills.
  19. Federal Paper Board ran all Macks back in the dayR models and U models. All 5 speeds and only a few with power steering. Anthony Julian R/R Construction in Bridgeport, Ct. ran all Macks Della Construction ran all Macks too
  20. Mike great find. It would look awesome all cleaned up.
  21. Jake the Muss taking it easy today while Dad worked on the houseand the girls resting after there time out side
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