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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. That's Awesome Randy your one helluva guy for him to look up to and good luck to him and his football and future!
  2. My friends that have bought them new say similar things. Nothing like the oldies!
  3. Very nice! Love the spokes!
  4. I agree with you Mike, pretty awesome trucks. Back in the mid "80"s in Bridgeport,Ct there was a big white and black one. I believe it was near Black Rock Turnpike....Maybe Bryan would know about this?
  5. Is this one for sale? Looks like a sign on the passenger window. Pretty awesome truck!
  6. Oh he was embarrassed, his wife, daughter and granddaughter were all laughing!
  7. Well my neighbor was heading to camp and got stuck. So I was asked to pull him out He said he would never live this one down
  8. Mike did you notice that he said to call in the ad but left no phone number? Pretty hard to sell if you can't get a hold of someone!
  9. Welcome and enjoy!
  10. Green saw dust was always the worst for me, I finally laid heavy plastic in the bed before loading and it worked like a charm. The plastic would sometimes got buried but that wasn't to hard to get back.
  11. I always wonder about places that paint everything one color. You'll see that a lot some a place that just flips trucks. Maybe you could call the company it came from with the vin and find out about it. A local dealer here gets all the used trucks from one container company and the trucks have seen it hard as I would think most big trash company's. An older R with heavy rears would be my # one choice as a roll off.
  12. Here you go Vinny 7500 dollars in CT
  13. Spotted these on craigslist Eastern Ct. 3000.00 each
  14. Jim I'd be scared to climb up that ladder! I spotted it and don't know anything about these trucks. Thanks for your feed back.
  15. This truck is on craigs list in Western Mass. 6500.00
  16. He's working on an up grade, a 1993 RD with a long chassis.
  17. Just the right size Jim!
  18. I bet your Kubota does a great job. I burn a lot of wood and never have time to do it so we try to get it in one crazy weekend!
  19. Here is my friends JD 648E grapple and cable skidder he is running about 1 mile up in the woods behind me. Makes the 230 Timber Jack look small! Here is his old R model that his Hood loader rides onnot pretty but it's a Mack and works great!
  20. Very nice Randy, good luck with it!
  21. Welcome and enjoy!
  22. Thanks for posting about the Muster and invite. Would be great to visit you Aussies' and your awesome trucks!
  23. Hey Randy can't wait to see the pictures!
  24. Always enjoy your pictures of the week no matter what....and boobs too! Ed nice hat!
  25. Interesting camper! Welcome!
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