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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Paul, lived in Ct. for 34 years then full time in Vermont 14 years and would never go back!
  2. I like the stack much better than the under chassis muffler.
  3. Alive and well but sick of the F ing rain! Where is Supor out of? Paul, When Jewell Transport came by they were moving right along but the bridge section was moving at snail speed and through our package when they were driving on the rumble strips it sounded like the trailer was coming apart! Ed, my answer would be a big NO! We had to move the mill out of the way and the police escorts and driver were looking at us like we were the biggest A holes in the world....which on some occasions is true
  4. Here are a couple pictures while milling on I 91 in Vermont.Moving a bridge
  5. Welcome Chris and hope you find a old B model to keep you busy and bring back memories!
  6. Great! Knew many a driver from there!
  7. Awesome Lanny! I remember those beautiful Autocars!
  8. GDay Mate! how the heck are you and Jodie? This would look good at Challenge 255 this year my friend! Andre' you are right!
  9. Looks great Rob and JD all the way!
  10. I'm sure when they are done with it it will be pretty awesome!l
  11. Fullfuel01 stopped by yesterday to visit on his way home with his California V8. My son was home to snap some pics. and say Hello!Max loves Uncle Jeff's toys!
  12. Just got back from Brattleboro and saw this off of Rt. 5 in Rockingham, Vt. Not to bad looking and typical Vermont double frame issues and no swamp donkeys! Did not see a one of um!
  13. Yes my friend I've been 2.5 hours from home all week and headed back at 2:30 AM and I hope not to see any moose or deer on the way! It sound's like they are trying to take the high spots out of the road....but you would only do this in the travel lane and one foot does not allow time for the milling machine to react. Unless they were using a skid steer trimmer to run side ways to the road. Rob, My answer to this would be Band aid!!! Seen here we trimmed 4 feet wide for the over lay to butt against the shoulder
  14. Glad to hear you had a great time and met so many good people. Safe trip home and love the pictures!
  15. You got that right! We all stay down there when that far from home at the Quality Inn. Since George was so helpful to me I put him in Bill's old skid steerThen he told me I was one way
  16. Great bunch of pictures Thanks!
  17. Working on I 91 near Brattleboro for Gorman Brothers over lay. We are milling butt joints and bridge decks. George trimming the edges of the bridges George thought it was funny putting this label on my hard hatI walked around with it all day before I noticed it. HA HA George!
  18. Thank you Gentlemen and Uncle Jeff, Max has a lot of catching up to keep up with you my friend! We will try to get up to Quebec this summer!
  19. Thanks guys! Max is enjoying the start of the rest of his life and is going about the right way. I just picked up a miller bobcat welder for him and the price was right but it need a fuel pump. It is a 16 horse onan with a vaccum fuel pump. Should I replace the vaccum for an electric fuel pump?
  20. A true pro! and love the safety cones!
  21. Look at this "Bad Ass" bunch!!!
  22. Thanks Ken He spent the night at one of his bud's and will be home in time for work...He better! When we were dairy farming he'd have to fix the gutter cleaner once a week in the heifer barn. I hadn't looked into it yet and thank you for the description. Lots of dairy around here and this could be a good field for him.
  23. Thanks guys! Max wanted me to thank everyone and he didn't realize he was getting an award for keeping a 3.7 grade average this year. The look on his face was priceless! He will be busy this summer haying but will reap the benefit of doing a good job and getting it in early. I will let Max know about looking into sanitary welding. He is a great worker and will make anyone an excellent employee. Here he is with his buddies. Then we had a get together at the house.
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