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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thanks Paul! Max will now be haying this summer to pay for his welding school this fall at AWI in Burlington, Vt.
  2. My son Maxim's High school graduation Class of 2013! Congratulations my boy!
  3. Wow! That is awesome!!! congratulations and thank you for sharing this important part of your life.
  4. There are some tight spots for sure and such great views! Rob it's not chip seal that is the color of the mix after a few weeks. The whole place was closed during the paving for three days and you could go anywhere to have a look. Pretty interesting spot here in northern New England!
  5. You would be correct and the weather can be the severest in the country too! The trucks went to the top and turned around. We only have one low bed that can turn around up top. The whole road is paved now. Three good days of paving and one morning could see the ocean in Maine!
  6. Thanks guys! I don't think anyone rolled out of the box, they've had a lot of practice!Boss man Luke chasing his lute. Been here 40+ years and been on top of Mt. Washington many time!
  7. Rob that is the going rate in northern New England. No tri state rates here.
  8. Jim we had snow here and windy! have had the wood stove going for to days! Rob, it's a long pull up and a long push down! If you can ever get over this way Mt. Washington is a must see and bulldogboy your right about all the snow we had on our hill tops.Couple pics. from the ernie mills collection of our paving.
  9. They are getting 72.00 for tri axles. A lot! and they got a dumping up there yesterday. Hauled out of Gorham,NH not far from there. Here is anotherfrom up top of the mountain.
  10. Here is some paving one of our crews did last summer on Mt. Washington
  11. Beautiful, friend of mine in Irasburg restores these Fords and they are amazing.
  12. Get pictures Andres enjoy seeing your country along with the trucks and your family too!
  13. Rob here in Vermont the state wants the mix kept hot as long as possible so we put roll tarps on all the trucks and the trimmers help with milling a whole lot!A Raven's nest with babies was on the job.
  14. Sounds like a plan Andre' and yes your english is very good for sure!
  15. Andre' we made it to Standstead and had a great time. Victoria day was hard to find a good restaurant open. Looking forward to this long weekend.
  16. Cosmopolitan with a French flare and all bad ass for sure!
  17. Milled Rt. 25 & 5 last week and the intersection was crazy. 25 flaggers plus traffic control and 4 sheriffs.George likes his new 272 BGoing back tomorrow to mill the ramps and a lot of trim work
  18. Thank you Vlad and yes The R model is Chume's truck. We will be going again this year to Challenge 255 in Quebec for the truck show and truck pulls and eye candy!
  19. Vlad so happy for you to get to go to the show and meet a bunch of great people. So much to see in so little time. Take lots of pictures and video's!
  20. Jim I know what you mean being raised Roman Catholic myself. Today is my Maxim's 18th birthday and we will be taking up to Magog Quebec to cerebrate! Happy birthday big guy!Max seen here with Uncle Chume in Quebec!
  21. The head sets make work so much better when you can talk to the crew and to the trucks to keep productive.Bill is more productive too when he has his sammitch
  22. Sweeper truck has it the best. Doesn't burn a lot of fuel. I make sure they share. We wear head sets to talk with each other and also with the trucks through the CB. We double truck every pass to help with production. Sometimes we might get a little on the side but have not on the hood this year. The truck in front of the mill just got loaded and the operator swings the boom over to the empty truck who then pulls in front of the mill.
  23. Welcome Andres and would enjoy some pictures of your fleet!
  24. No matter what you do somebody will be mad! We water up on the go
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