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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. It only wears out when we use it Here are a couple more of the tear downLower pulley bearing.....it's shot and the pulley too. Prepping the lower conveyor for the new beltHave to do some welding on the thin areas do to the failed bearing
  2. Andre' the company has very many Macks and here are two Vermont Brutes going to auction They have been great Bin trucks but there age is an issue.
  3. The H was a great little tractor. I had one that I pulled with. A lot of fun!
  4. Great t osee you Ben and a happy face in the garage. More young people could learn from you!
  5. Spring is coming late here....still have the wood furnace running full bore. Been through 13 cord this year and maybe burn 1 more before it's nice out. This isn't a Vermont Mack but it a note worthy KWThis is Tammy's truck and only Tammy's truckShe has more chrome to put on it this spring
  6. Replacing the belt after 900 hours. First take out the steering rod and get her toed in to drop the lower conveyor
  7. Here we go. Some sitting in the yard waiting for spring
  8. Great Pictures Mark, love those quads! Here is our only AutocarDK 64
  9. Thanks Andre' I took some more today but...left my camera at the plant....Will post some tomorrow!
  10. Spend a lot of time in Westerly and Charleston back in the day and had a few drinks on the beach at Patty's Wigwam
  11. Great spy shot!
  12. Great shot of a wet dog doing it's job
  13. Pike uses the best and also line them so the hot mix slides out easier.One from Lucky's trailer sales.
  14. That sounds familiar, If I was working the yard I would get asked at least three times a day from JB Hunt of Sheinder Tranport if I could back them in. A 102 with swing doors would have to be opened after you were in the building because it was to tight. They would forget after getting loaded/unloaded and pull out ripping the doors off the trailer. The little gas station down the road was always busy!
  15. Agreed! That is interesting and I'll have to check that out next time I'm in town.Here is a line up of some Vermont Macks
  16. Rob, this street in in a residential area and the garbage truck goes up it. My friend Nigel shifted a house up the street and in to place with a big dozer and two trucks. It is F ing steep to say the least!
  17. 18 and Max had just turned 15....he was a happy boy!
  18. I'm usually gone all week and my wife works for Pike too. My son does all the field work while I'm gone and I try to do as much as I can on the weekends. But if I work Saturday too I'm not much help.
  19. We are lucky up here, not a lot of ticks up here.
  20. It is good Rob but goes down to easy. I kinda like my Long Trail Black berry Wheat made hear in Vermont.
  21. Hopefully Mark you will find one in the future and it would make a great addition. That B61 on ebay looks interesting.
  22. A nice clean working everyday Mack. Looks great Mike and wood chuck worthy.
  23. Nice to have a face with a name, looks like a burly bunch there! Good looking trucks too!
  24. Here is a sister to the DKDrove one like this for spicer fuel in Groton,Ct. 1984. This one is for sale in the truckpaper and has a red mate as well for under $9000
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