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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. The truck is looking great and the drivers side fuel tank looks brand new. Mine need to come off and get a redo. Great job!
  2. Great find Mike! Very nice original piece and easy to park out of the way.
  3. I have to agree....
  4. Awesome pictures and love the theme. Nice long frame on your CH and that is a ugly tank to haul!
  5. Heavy traffic not much you can do except raise the tax on the road....
  6. Put moth balls in our stuff, they hate it.
  7. I like the external cleaners also but cut down on visibility.
  8. Yup and this was after a long night and the mix was on the way and I was headed back to the hotel!
  9. Thanks Andre' My wife packed up most of my collection years back saying we didn't have a "place" for that stuff so I need to find it know. No roll cage! Here are a couple other things over the yearsMack plates from school in 1988Maspeth 40th Anniversary coinMack wrenches and hammer
  10. Yes that what our new one cost and I hope they had a good policy on her. We have 4 mills and the crews
  11. DAMN!!!
  12. Damn Mark....What a week. Sorry you went through that and hope they replace your bent step. Worst part is people will see the damage and think you bull and jam. Back in the 80's working for Federal Paper I was working the yard with the yard donkey backing in trailers into the building, two inches on each side with a 102 and had been doing it all day. I pulled off the scale got straight and backed up. I always lined up with both mirrors then the drivers mirror getting close to the building. A large car pulled off the scale right behind me and stopped. He didn't notice I was backing up I guess and I had the right of way and I backed right into his new 379 F ing up the front end. He wasn't happy to say the least.
  13. F me man! We've hit just about everything under a road but a gas line and hope to never to that! Thanks for the info! That was a new W250 and it cost more than 700,000 thousand.....try 850,000!
  14. Ah yes the front stoop....enjoyed many years swinging on the glider with my Grandma on the front stoop on the farm in Connecticut. One they don't get up here is Package Store.....Here you can buy it any day any time and anywhere. Also the term "HOT" from southern NE it means= that girl is good looking! Northern NE it means= I drank a lot last night, I was hot! A tri state saying like....Oy vay and Mashugana you don't have to speak Yiddish to know or have heard these. Rob, there's one I've never heard. Is that because you live in a pine forest? and back to some milling, this week we will be doing this againOY VAY! Lower belt after 1200 hours took another beating.
  15. Happy Birthday Trent! Hope your enjoying spring on your Birthday.
  16. Door yard = driveway in northern New England, sorry been here long enough I use the phrase too! Good eye Ed!
  17. Great looking trucks, I'm sure you'll enjoy them!
  18. We call that black gold and it get's used in may different ways. The most expensive part of black top is the oil and so it get's reused. If you can ever get any for your door yard it will last forever.
  19. We don't do a lot of mill and fill so there is time to fix the boo boo's and I'm sure it will happen again this year.A shot from above.
  20. Here I am after a long night of milling. I marked this man hole and my ground man set up and over it on the first pass but hit it on the gutter pass....oh well everyone was beat and I had some splan'in to do of it.
  21. There are various drum patterns and my past Cat mill had 260 teeth and the new Wirtgen has 186 teeth. Interstate work change everyday about 18,000 to 28,000 square yards depending on abrasiveness of road. Teeth cost can range from $4.00 and up per tooth and "good" used teeth are saved and giving to the reclaim crew who are not very happy to receive them but is a great cost savings. Yes concrete can be milled but very slow going and frequent changes on the teeth. The mill dislikes all types of steel and is a horrid sound when this happens.
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