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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Old Castle must have made the order for loaders last year because we have a few new ones too.
  2. I like the color scheme, nice truck!
  3. Nice looking rolling chassis. Are you going to paint the truck SONECO colors?
  4. 42! on the cobra with the extra big snake and chrome with the blue light special and X turnal speaker! Big...Big...Big...Radio...Radio...Radio...BEEP!
  5. Does Hunts Point still have it's local window washers? Spit and shine your windshield with yesterday's newspaper at the next intersection. First time this happened to me I was caught by surprise. It's amazing how fast they can jump down when you start shifting
  6. Wonderful pictures Thomastractorsvc, Great JD 60 and you have a awesome little helper. Your Dad looks right at home on those green tractors and beautiful piece of land. Glad I grew up in the 70's on the farm and put my hands in the dirt too!My son at 5 taking out hay from the dairy barn.
  7. Well I could be wrong but I thought it was a E9 like Mcdonald's CL. I'll have to ask the mech. here in Coventry. Vlad, it's a good thing you have a couple "dogged" trucks in your part of Russia to help spread the word of the Mack and I'm glad you like the Vermont landscape and trucks here. A couple more Vermont trucks working in April 2012 Interstate 91 north
  8. What a great gift to get and welcome!
  9. Well they'll even throw in a Cat deisel power cap and chain drive wallet to boot and don't forget Big Roadie belt buckel!
  10. Ah memories Paul, Wish I took more pictures of the 5 bourghs. A lot of interesting stuff crossed my path back then.
  11. We only use the fabric for temp. and it makes it easier to dig up.
  12. I remember heading back to the GW in Jeresy and the win rows were so bad you could let go of the wheel and make it up to the the bridge.
  13. Pike is in three states and work in four. 1300 employees and we go were ever needed.
  14. Good question for me to ask the shag master.
  15. Rob, from last spring Interstate 91 north bound. Backing up for our second run. Casella has a lot of Macks and was able to catch that one in our package.
  16. Welcome Doc and really like your red R model.
  17. Great looking tractors. Wish my brother kept his H. Nice little tractor for raking. 530 awesome tractor too.
  18. Looks like it's worknig great...nice dog!
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