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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Real trucks have spokes. Very nice truck!
  2. You need big paddles and stupid power....and don't let go!
  3. Shane, I'm not the guy to ask for your question but just wanted to wish you luck with your project and what I can see of your truck it looks in good shape.
  4. Vinny.....did you have your helmet on? We all know how fun three wheelers are but we worry about you
  5. Thank you for the info. Nice to hear about a big collection of Macks. Vinny, that color is what you call driving under wash bins and dumping in piles and bins and the crusher dust color.....only a Mack could pull that color off.
  6. Ah, the gutter is a good thing. I prefer dark amber myself
  7. Now that's funny! I'll pass the info down to the Manchester PD...If they get caught don't involve me I plead the 5th!
  8. Hey! I think they drove by here the other day! They were holler'in profanity out the window....
  9. Tackabery, is that someone from your neck of the woods? I'll have to carry my camera with me this weekend for a few more various Macks in my area. I did see a B 81 in Barre, Vermont the other day but didn't have my camera.
  10. Thank you, I'll pass that along.
  11. Very nice from Rutland, Vermont. Here is another picture of Griswolds B 80
  12. Clean old machine. Will last a long time on just snow removal.
  13. Hey it's in Vermont! Cool picture Jim. You need to remember this is Vermont and they still "Just do it". Here is Moe Tice with his new tractor Based out of Waterford, Vermont.Then the other side of the spectrumpoor old girl in Plainfield,Vermont. Then 1986 RD dump made into water truck Williston, Vermont
  14. Jim it is $40.00 gallon and I can only take it in small doses. To sweet for me! Now Vlad if this was Russian Vodka equipment I'd be there all day!
  15. Good idea on the Quebecois Macks also and the orange one is the leader of the pack. Here is Griswold Concrete B 80 that ended up at my houseand this R model hauled liquid asphalt from Quebec Pike Industries
  16. Not your fault and goes to show fabric is useless in that app.
  17. I like to call that "job security" and our roads up here get beat so bad with frost too.
  18. Friend looking for big rubber for his dump truck. Please let me know if anyone has any or may know where it get it. Thanks, Tim
  19. Thought I'd start a thread on some hard working girls here in Vermont1985 DM 686SX 55 rearsCalkins Sand and Gravel in Coventry and the other R and DM's that they have These are some of the hardest working Macks I know
  20. Yes Andre' they are # 1 in my book. This one had a brand new motor and repined and bushed. It came from Perras Lumber in Groveton, NH.
  21. Kinda like you and a lot of other guys on this sight
  22. Didn't know Ford made such a good looking truck, Laughed my ass off! Thanks Jim!
  23. Rob there are a lot of folks up here that make sugaring a full time profession. It only lasts a couple weeks but they are able to make a decent living at itLiquid goldIt is a lot of work, I would rather milk cows!
  24. Well Jim your not far off, it has the same personality! Are you running nights?
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