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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. I know you guys have seen this truck in my gallery but couldn't help myself1984 RD 350 12 speed 12x24 rubber Started driving this truck in Feb. of 1985 at 20 years oldPulled a 50 ton Rogers lowbed with it. Lot of great memories with this truck.
  2. As far as I know. Talked to my Uncle today about it and he said the same thing. Would have loved a picture of it for sure!
  3. Wow! I need my sun glasses for that picture! Very nice setup.
  4. Nice picture Doug, Looks like driver training!
  5. Man what is up? I think everyone is ready for some sunshine and spring weather!
  6. Not sure I bought it with turbo already but did cange the injectors and they were stock 4020. Jamie, did you ever start fixing your B81 up?
  7. Awesome pictures of before and after. Looks better than new!
  8. From the album: My Trucks...

    Dragging plank into position Nov. 2012 Orleans Vt.
  9. From the album: My Trucks...

    Nov. 2012, 150 ft. plank ready to be placed in Orleans, Vt.
  10. From the album: My Trucks...

    Oct. Rt. 89 Highgate northbound Canadian border 2012
  11. From the album: My Trucks...

    Milling in Lewiston Maine week of July 4th with the Maine crew in the out front. 2012
  12. Wow, beautiful would like to see the lathe you turned them on
  13. Thanks for the info on this car. Know one in the family has an idea on the date so I just threw 1909 in there. Looks like Grandma was about 18 or 19 in the picture and see was born in 1890. My brother the car buff agree's with what you have said about the car. I appreciate all your help in the detective work. The Stutz was parked in a building with a wooden floor and cellar hole. The car went Sorry Jim no shots of the Nova with the twice wide pipes and dingo balls but I hear it was a head turner through the floor and that is where it stayed. I guess back in the old days it was just an old jalopy and Great Great Grandpa didn't bother getting it out and it was buried when they pushed the building into the hole. The last person who knew the location of the building on the farm would have been 96 yo. and passed away 5 years ago. When my brothers and I were little we would go visit the family and ask to hunt for the old car and had a lot of fun in the process.
  14. MikeD that is what my brother said. He had talked to Elias Beiler and his son did not want it at the farm anymore. That is what I heard. I always had a wonderful time and couldn't believe how much stuff there was. I always came home with something for the wife.
  15. Good question, I don't know? I did not notice that till you mentioned it. The boys might have taken it off for repair.
  16. Ya, in Connecticut we take river bottom land and put industry and houses on it. It was quite a beautiful farm back in the day and I have cousins who still live there. Connecticut was once known as the best cigar rap tobacco in the world.
  17. Yes they are but you could get a turbo kit for one and this one has the kit. 94 horse power and with turbo about 110.
  18. Yes 2stack you are right, if you are on Rt. 291 headed toward Rt. 84 the hi way goes right through the center of the farm. Great Great Grandpa's farm house and some of the land is still there. He was a tobacco farmer and the first to use the shade method.
  19. Mike, that is a great story. He must have been a great owner and gives the 427 a good record. Hope he get's that out of his Rawhide.
  20. Jay, you'd have to look at it's hoofs for that! This was one of her newer ridesand my Great Great Grandfather had a Stutz Bearcat that is buried on his farm in Buckland, Ct.Image borrowed from the web.
  21. Thanks Gentlemen, I just had to get a little funny with the post. My Great Grandmother was a hoot and I was lucky enough to have remembered her and Great Grandpa Here they are in 1968 with me and my evil twin.
  22. Vinny, I don't have pictures of the blue and black R but here is the maroon RW 713 E9 500 12 speedand would love to see some pictures of the 77 DM!
  23. A beautiful brute of a girl!
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