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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Drove a Jimmy with a 475 DD and it really pulled well. The old Brockway with the 318 made a lot of noise and practice shifting.
  2. Doesn't seem to bad for the price. Some care it would be nice.
  3. This truck is beautiful Rob, Thanks for sharing the photos.
  4. Mike, I looked for the new commercial on u tube but no luck. We don't get Weinhard's beer around here, looked good on the commercials I did find.
  5. Wow great pictures. Looks like they won't have to worry about traffic or low wires on that run.
  6. Happy Birthday Rob! Hope you have a great day with a little spring in the air!
  7. Awesome! Happy birthday all six Gentlemen!
  8. Restoring old sleds has become quite popular and I see a lot of them around here. Have an old Sno Jet I would like to redo someday. The LS85 sounds like a great project.
  9. WTF we didn't get any from this storm and the sun has been out all day!
  10. Thanks Bob, trying to keep my girlish figure!
  11. Wow nice set of photo's. That DM 800 is awesome.
  12. Rob, they haul just about everything and bought out Starr transportation from North Troy, Vermont last year. Granite still is big on their list. There yard is in Barre, Vt. and is packed full of trucks.
  13. Complete looking old mixer. Looks like the hooligans had fun with the windshields.
  14. Very nice truck and not much room left under there.
  15. Very cool Rob, Like that Godzilla! Gives the real meaning to moving a bridge!
  16. March 8th is a busy day! Happy Birthday REEL ADDICTION and midnitemechanic,Sandy,string bean and loadstar! May you all enjoy your special day!
  17. Wow, crown in the road even! You should hire out to the town.
  18. What I've done was, take the wheel off and with polishing disk(heavy carpet) put it to it hard then whip it while it's still damp and then use the wife's flour and rub the crap out of it to take out the black from polishing and it worked great on the rims and tanks.
  19. There was a R model in Quebec with a 237 and a 12 speed that kicked any 400 cummins or cat's butt. This truck was insane and Fullfeul01 ended up with it. I have a photo of it and will dig it up.
  20. Awesome to have sich great help.
  21. Beautiful! Love the truck and great album! Tim
  22. Very very nice truck, my company has a bunch of them. Thanks for posting! Tim
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