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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Bob, did the U have no power steering? I bounced between an R with pwer steering and a U with out when running NYC. Pretty interesting back in the day.
  2. Did you see Fullfuel01's GU? Very nice truck but one year newer than your looking for.
  3. Thank you Vlad, try keeping up with your great stories and photos'! Rob, I still have them old Dingo's 27 years old. They are a little worn but still like themand my H&Hthen my favorite JustinsAll I need now is a chain drive wallet and a cat diesel power hat
  4. Hey Boss, where do you think I get my looks from? Grandma would make Johnny take a bath when he arrived to the farm and keep his boots outside!
  5. Thanks guys, Johnny was quite the character and never married. He came and went as he liked and would show up on our door step from FL. up till the year he passed. He always said; "A man can live in a cave as long as it's dry" and traveled all over the USA
  6. Vlad, Talk to Fullfuel01 he has a bunch, maybe he can sent one your way.
  7. Thanks guys! Now I can write something on the back of the photo. I figured Larry would have a pretty good idea. My cousin would have been 73 now and passed away 3 years ago doing what he liked best, tinkering on his old bikes died with his boots on! Take care cousin Johnny!
  8. Who can tell me what this is? My cousin from FL. would drive this up to the family farm back in the day and stay with my Grandmother in the late 1960's and early 70"s.
  9. Vinny I think most trucks that head to the boat have one foot in the grave already. Don't think they'd pay top dollar
  10. Oh and you do a very nice job on your driveway. Looks better than most roads around here. My road grader, snow plow and log loader which I wish I didn't get rid of a few years back. Was an awesome machine and did plenty of side work with it.
  11. Great post, I remember them too but never drove one.
  12. I see Jim, development...it is happening here with Jay Peak and the surrounding mountains. Thanks Mark, Was always getting the evil eye from the live in girl friend at the time do the fact I washed it everyday and polished it once a week. I was lucky she took the pictures!
  13. Ha, I'll let him know Boss!
  14. Well the town voted in favor of the new FD and I'm very happy for all the boys involved. My son is excited about joining and being part of it.
  15. Where in NH was that Jim? I carry the camera with me all day now and my crew can't understand why. I tell them I want something to look back on and share with family and friends. For instance I picked this truck up at Springfield Mack in Oct. 1987 and looking at the pictures I can still smell the "new" and remember how happy I was pulling out on to the big roadand this RD back in July of 1985These pictures are priceless to me
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