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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Where is the reset button! Yes I think we all get like that sometimes. Thanks, I never drove the truck in the salt and by the looks of it Bentley did not either.
  2. Thanks Larry, I enjoyed it very much and the secretary at the Kenworth dealer was very nice...my wife gave me some dirty looks. East does some nice work. I was impressed with their workmanship. Thanks Jim, After the engine rebuild the truck was putting out 42 pounds of boost. Had to prove it a few times pulling loaded against 475 cat and 550 cummins. Guy in freightliner 475 talking his truck up and he left the pit in front of me. I caught him on the hill and pulled up next to him, smiled then got back behind him...He didn't say to much after that. The boys at the town garage never saw a truck go past the garage up hill doing 55 mph. It was awesome! Here are some photo's of a job when I had the truck mackniac, I don't know for sure but someone in Ontario.
  3. My son is graduating in Juneand is heading to welding school here in Vermont. He needs to help with the school fund so his has to sell his 1978 Broncoauto with a 400 engine. Frame is excellent and body very good with only a couple pin holes. Extra complete bronco to go with it too. Make someone a great truck $3000.00 for both
  4. Ron bought it in 2002 Had it till 2006. Got out of the excavating work and went back farming with my wife so could not justify a truck like that for hauling saw dust and hay around the farm. My wife wanted me to keep it but My friend who owned the JD dealership wanted it so we traded a JD4430 and a JD 2550 4x4 for the truck. He didn't even look at the truck, he said; I know your particular with your equipment and delivered the tractors to my farm and took the truck. It is now in Canada and the gent is very happy with it from what I'm told. Then I got the maroon Superliner and dump trailer.
  5. Thanks! After I brought it home I contacted Bentley and sent me 10 lbs. of paperwork. From the build sheet to every oil change and component they ever changed on the truck. I was very lucky to receive that. The truck new in 1992 cost a little over 90,000 dollars. Thanks Rob, I'm pretty particular with my equipment as I see you are too. The truck was set up by East mfg and has an air pto very fast.
  6. The story of my 1992 Superliner started in Ohio at Bentley Excavating I bought it from Kenworth of Canton, Ohio Bob tailed home stopping at family in Rochester, NY for the night. Got back to Vt. the next day in the dark and went over Hazens Notch.....not the smartest thing I ever did. It was Nov. and Hazens Notch which is a dirt road that closes for the winter Dec. 1st no vehicles over the mountain. Well it was raining and after 10 hours of driving I took the short cut....Half way up it turned to snow and I was screwed...There are quite a few 90 degree turns with a steep grade and drop offs. Tires were not the best either and we made it to the top. I got out and walked around for a few to stop shaking and headed down the other side which was ok. My wife was following me and as you know got an earful when we got home about how crazy that was...yes dear yes dear...Went through the truck and had John Bogie in Mcindoe Falls, Vt rebuild the engine. New tires and aluminum budds on the front Then put on a beau rock ledge body on itand put it to work E9 with 15 speed and 44 rears.
  7. 12 speed = ice cold milk and an oreo cookie! They forever go together like a classic combination!
  8. Good advice Rob, something I did not know.
  9. Happy Birthday, have a great day!
  10. He didn't like boating? Looks like it was a decent spot to leave your boat.
  11. You guys be careful out there tomorrow. The 4 wheelers will be late for work.
  12. Geez even the vents on the heater are nice most of the time those are all broken. Nice truck thanks for sharing and good to see a little mud on the tires of the big dog.
  13. Interesting story Rob
  14. Winter on Mt. Washington is hell. Summer on Mt. Washington can be hell....But if you ever get the chance drive your personal rig up to the top it's worth it!
  15. I remember that truck! Great to see it again.
  16. Wow FW Great photo's of then and now. Both great tractors. Is the 70 diesel? Like the big rubber on the front. 1970 I was 5
  17. In New London county, SONECO Service. I spared for them and # 87 was my truck. I'm going to have one someday.
  18. I agree very nice truck and it will look great with the flat bed.
  19. And the winner is.....Rob! Yes a DM 800 one of my favorite models.
  20. Not a fan of freightliner but this truck did pull really well with a C 12 cat and 10 speed road ranger. Most hills in the north east I would only drop down one gear loaded and the four door was nice to bring the family along.Which I did often.
  21. Jim, it is pretty interesting when you look at it from a different point of view that most people don't see and the little things even in a big city. People can come together and those Greek folks are an example of that. There are a lot of great people out there. Sorry if the pics. brought back any bad memories. On 911 I was Dairy farming then and just got back in from mowing hay when I saw it on the late morning news and couldn't believe it.
  22. You'd think someone would have salvaged it. Pretty neat looking boat and I like looking at the old city photo's too. Brings back fond memories.
  23. Mike, Had one just like it. Great machine and liked the hand controls. Put on a snow machine helmet and you'll be good to go!
  24. Wow Mark, What the chance of that? It must have been a difficult day all around for you. I wish I had taken more too, was in some pretty interesting places around the city and boroughs. Ave of the Americans in Manhattan was a stop I made often and Hunts Point also Good-o-beverage and Manhattan Special.
  25. Paul, got some of College Point too in Queensyou can see the towers off in the distanceand some old boats
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