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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Vlad, He has a few army trucks too. I'll go see what he has on it for reflectors. May still be able to get them at the truck store.
  2. Great find and good luck. Awesome to see more B models.
  3. Dean you own the African Queen! All you need now is a couple torpedo's, Very nice!
  4. Fullfuel01 has one with a KTA Cummins. I haven't heard it run but I bet in it's day that was one hell of a truck. Mike, do you still have the first truck you drove?
  5. The metal is a lot thinner than a few years ago. First new 1 ton I bought was in "91" non turbo then "99" turbo. Then "04" with a V-10 and went back to diesel with a used 1995 Chevy 1 ton 6.5 my son drives.and my work truck, "04" 6 litre with almst 200,000 miles on it and 550 springs on the back.
  6. Two more pictures of this awesome truckVery clean for an 1983
  7. Would love to own this beautiful 1983 R model. Our friends in NZ know how to dress them up
  8. Mike, would there be skidder tires in that size? Friend of mine has a loader like yours and I'l ask him . When I was little I ran one like that on my nieghbors farm packing bunk and feeding the cows. Thought I was joe cool.
  9. Looks good the tanks and steps and straps are all straight nice.
  10. Gone to a good home and it's exciting to have such a great project.
  11. Very nice, really like the color combo and steam equipment would be interesting and the boat for sure.
  12. I don't think he has any R's but S.D. Ireland in Williston has a complete one that Griswold use to own. I see it every time I'm in my company's yard next door.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Yes at a friends yard. He will not part with it.
  15. Phoenix feeds off Rt. 7 uses this old IH to pull their cars around. Pretty inpressive to watch in action
  16. Came across this with my brother a couple months ago.They are one odd looking truck and not many around that I've ever seen except in movies.
  17. It's Russian and I'm sure Vlad can fill us in on the conversation. I think they should have hooked the trucks to the axles in stead of the bumpers.
  18. Beautiful, Really like that year and color.
  19. Happy Birthday! The best ones are in February.....at least that what I tell my wife.
  20. Very nice operation you have there. Looks great and thanks for sharing.
  21. Duel and Convoy and what was that movie with John Wanye getting crushed in a Jaguar by two Macks in an alley, of course The Duke walked away.
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