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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Well I guess Vinny is now a teenager! Awesome! Happy birthday Vinny! Enjoy your day wih your U!
  2. Do to a dry summer, hay is in demand and I have been busy hauling. Has been cold but not a lot of snow for this time of year.
  3. Cletrac's are awesome and great save. Met Landis Z. a few years ago and he is Mr. Cletrac.
  4. Most of the owner operator garbage trucks up here run winter deep recaps on the front of their trucks all year long and I haven't heard of any coming apart. I wouldn't run them on a everyday truck but that's me.
  5. I would agree that something fell on it. I've seen more than one on it's side, this looks like more damage than a flop.
  6. There are people all over the world that enjoy owning a part of history which is Mack. There are many on this sight and I have seen this first hand in my travels and they are very proud to be a part of the Mack culture. Enjoy what you have and help your friends when you can, life is to short to be negitive.
  7. Great job Vinny! Some nice looking old Macks.
  8. Love the low loader day cab. Down under and over have some cool stuff.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Save the wheat backs. You maybe able to sell them to a coin shop for a bit more.
  11. Good on you Mr. Hatcity, friends helping friends.
  12. I had a very nice 5 gallon glass water jug that helped when things got tight. It's great to have a place for your loose change and there when you need it.
  13. They are more like our RB models with set back axle. Very nice pictures 1MACK1
  14. Send some up here....snow machine trails are bare!
  15. Looks good and every little thing is an improvment. Some elbow grease on the fuel tank and air tank and it will be awesome.
  16. Let's see any new trucks last as long as that DM 800.
  17. That's because it's not green! My brother always had those red tractors and I stuck with the green ones. The 966 corn binder came from the factory with a "mystery" shifter and the 4430 shifts like a dream.
  18. Very nice color Mike, you do have a great line up!
  19. Drove a U model to NYC at least 3 times a week in the 80's, no power steering and the AC would make it rain in the cab. Good times!
  20. Marquardt, There's a name I have not heard in years. They hauled a lot of dry cement for Seneco along with fuel.
  21. Would be nice to see some RI Macks....Capaldi out of Johnson had a few and Pezza along with Tilcon.
  22. Mon ami, pouvez vous porter cette camion a moi? I think it would look good next to my 86 that you graciously sold to me. Love the bull dog!
  23. I remeber Blakeslee's Superliner triaxle and saw the driver all the time but can't remember his name. He drove that truck from new back in the day. Would love to see some old Macks from south eastern Conn. from Soneco and Romanella.
  24. I remember seeing this truck in north western Ct. pulling a low bed. Nice truck!
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