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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Have a wonderful birthday!
  2. Here we are moving the old girl off the big road for the weekend but I have to work.....maintenance....Good old Mack moving her.
  3. Here when milking cows I would have what you called Naked Farming Fridays'. It would make the wife laugh her ass off and when Momma's happy every ones happy.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Any log truck in Vermont should be a Mack. That is one tough looking truck!
  6. Oh my, More lop sided trucks. Great pictures, Seeing all these U's brings back memories of NYC and driving a U with no power steering.
  7. I bet the he was gripping the wheel with both hands as he said that too!
  8. Sounds good Paul, do you have any photo's of the truck your looking at?
  9. Ellis, That is a beauty! I have a 1981 RD and have driven them years back. I really like the steel bonnets over the fiberglass.
  10. Now that's my kind of hay feeder! Very nice B model. Love all your pictures.
  11. Looking good. Mike, what did it do in it's previous life?
  12. Heh, I think Rob's gonna make another trip......
  13. Thanks guys, Here is another angle. This truck went like hell and loved having the thirteen speed. Pulled 6 jersey barriers back to the yard one day and had a stage coach thinking he was gonna pass me all the way from New Haven to Hartford....didn't happen and as I got off the exit ramp as he went by he got on the horn and said, Lowboy....you can really move the mail! That made my day for sure.
  14. Great looking CH gotta love red.
  15. This is one versatile truck for sure, very nice.
  16. Hey fullfuel, nice sleeper. You gotta add that on to the Malo collection. Ducky698 that is one awesome ride!
  17. OH OH a Diamond T! My second favorite and what is that tall red COE? I like the yellow DM too!
  18. Awesome bunch of photos'. I have always wanted to see MT. The wife and I looked into moving there 20 years ago but she decided it was to far from her family.....not to far for me.
  19. Great find, those Allis tractors were very nice and as for the bore, you can travel to China now.
  20. Macks, I'm the milling foreman for the company which have have 4 milling machines. On this job we are running two W2100 Wirtgens' which weight about 74,000 lbs. dry weight. On a good day of milling you can get about 18,000 Square yards a day which is about 2 miles depending on the width you are milling. We try to run the trucks side by side to keep the ball rolling and David we do have a spot to warm our lunches and our mechanics are # 1 and made us that platform for our "stuff".Here is my friend Andy's new truck that he got this year. First new truck in 16 years for him.
  21. Otherdog, I'll have my sweet heart get that recipe for you and Rob, some of us would be better off with a carnival mirror for sizing.
  22. Glad they are SMICK worthy. There are two seats but I like to stand up on the deck when we are backing up as we were in the previous pictures. This one was going forward This is where I usually am, down on solid ground
  23. Would love to sit in one to get the real perspective. Drove an old Diamond Reo and it was like sitting on the floor boards and peeking over the dash board.
  24. Here are the rest of the trucks. A couple big haul trucks
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