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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Grandma's cooking to the T and my lovely wife cooks these dishes for me for 20 years. Pea and potato soup with dill is on of my favorites from childhood.
  2. Truly great set of photos'. I like the C model of Nelsons and all those P I E cab overs. I see they are GMC's in one photo but what are the ones with the flat fenders?
  3. Yea, that thing is lop sided as it is. Don't need to make it more so.
  4. Great pictures of the mat factory and I would say some one was going rabbit hunting. The ole dogs were say'in, Are we there yet? How about now?
  5. and the story continues.....................................
  6. Y M C A!!!! and In the NAVY....oh boy......We better go back to cold planing
  7. Oh yea Thaddeus you are 100% right!
  8. I bet he is a hard worker Vinny. Maybe some day you could work with him. Here is a good jobMy trimmer man has air conditioning in his skid steer which makes for a more productive day.
  9. Here are a couple of big trucks going through our package the other day.Corn binder and a Mack with a E9
  10. That's great Vinny, What type of machine does he have? Here is my operator keeping a straight lineand my ground man with a better look on his face
  11. Drove a new 1993 CH with a 400 and a 13 speed and it was a great truck and pulled well. In this economy I would go with the 350 and not worry about getting some where 5 minutes sooner.
  12. We change the teeth after a full day of grinding, 8 to 12 hours. If the teeth are good we give them to the reclaimers to re use.
  13. Well the new machine is in the ground this week. Got to get to sleep up early and will have more pictures this weekend.
  14. Great picture Paul. It would be safe to say NY always had a lot of Macks on the road and on the job sites.
  15. Crap Mark, sorry to hear about your down time. Good luck getting rolling soon.
  16. Ha Olive I like the name! A 2550 with a loader and 4X4 in decent shape should fetch 14 to 16 thousand around here. A six foot tiller new is about 3000.00 from JD or land pride and I can't justify that at this point. I know a used one would probably be rode hard and put away wet.
  17. That sounds like a pretty versatile machine. All in one and a very busy operator.
  18. The 16's here I've been around get used for reclaiming roads after the reclaimer(rototiller) dose it's job then it gets vibe rolled then the 16 comes down the road making it pretty.
  19. Ant eaters can't fit them pierogies up there snout so they stick to soft stuff like grits
  20. Very nice Olive, Never owned a belt baler but they make a pretty nice bale. My Krone baler has a chain chamber. Great goodies you have there and a little protection from night time visitors. I'm looking for a big tiller to go behind my 2550 JD if you come along one could you let me know?
  21. and hold on to your asses!
  22. They boys said they really like the new controls but like anything would tack some getting used to. I've only run the old ones.
  23. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it buddy and I see you posted this at 1:30 in the morning. Where you looking for a porn site? Olive I do my best work at work.
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