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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thanks Mike, Headed out at 12:00 PM from Manchester, NH. then stop over in Philly then Nashville. I'll have this evening to possibly see some sights and then get ready for class early on Tuesday through Thursday. Not a lot of time but would love to see something new.
  2. Don't know about you guys but that 9 speed to me is junk. Much rather have the straight 5 over the 9 any day.
  3. I'll call my brother in Ct. when I get back from Tenn. at the end of the week. He may know where the owner is now.
  4. Nice truck Roland, Glad to hear your back in industry you love. Lot's of good trucks and stories here welcome!
  5. I love the accent and it did take some time to get used to. My mates there do a great job imitating the American accent. We laughed our asses off. Shifting with the left hand was interesting as were the round abouts.
  6. Great save! Those are some tough trucks. Not like the new ones we have today.
  7. Thanks guys, I will take this all into consideration. Not sure of our time frame with school and all. I'll take pics. of the trip to share.
  8. Thanks for all the great ideas' gentlemen. As I will have 5 guys with me not sure what they will have on there minds too. The cousin thing doesn't sound bad since we are separated by about a dozen states that would make us "distant" cousins and Mike probably wouldn't want a house full of northern boyz drinking his shine. The Nashville info looks great and the other guys like country music and I like the man in black too but my ears tend to bleed if prolonged ex-posher to it. I'll take plenty of pictures but the cousin thing you'll have to use your imagination
  9. Headed to Antioch, Tenn. for schooling on the new W2100 Wirtgen. Flying into Nashville then driving to Antioch. Any suggestions on places to go on the way? Looking forward to seeing Tenn. even if it's only for a short time.
  10. Happy Easter from the north east kingdom!
  11. Yup your right. Like the say'in here, give a farmer a mirror and you'll have an argument in 5 minutes!
  12. Unclebilly you know your truck and drive it like a gentleman compared to someone just collecting a check. That Western junk probably has full lockers too but all depends on the person driving it. Randy sounds like you need to clone yourself but I'm sure you enjoy running both trucks and being just as productive.
  13. Otherdog, those girls have their dust masks in the wrong area. Maybe you should help straighten them out!
  14. OK, I understand now, the video was at Rob's house. No wonder the truck sounded all tuned up. Sorry Olive thought I seen you toting some stubble in a picture posted some time ago oh, that was your legs!
  15. Yes, my beard will come off here in Vt. after the first warm day....maybe next month! Kristen likes my beard in the winter cause she likes being married to two different men. Looks like Olive has a beard going too. Is the B a truck your restoring?
  16. Pike is owned by Old Castle too, over twenty years now.
  17. Very nice video. The truck sounds great and I like the Grizzly Adams look.
  18. Hey Jim, you can't drive it like that!
  19. Very nice clean straight truck!
  20. Welcome and good luck finding the truck you want. I find looking for one is always exciting.
  21. Same here in Vt. Start cold planing on the 23rd.
  22. I guess you have to duck backing those Mc's in! Nice photos'.
  23. Good to see you are making progress Vinny.
  24. Happy Birthday Tom, Hope it was a great one!
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