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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Vinny, let's see what the bulldog looks like after you painted it. Your truck is looking like a great project getting under way.
  2. Can't imagine the noise from those Detroit's when lifting the bodies. Do you know if there are any video's of these big trucks?
  3. Bullhusk, were the Autocars power up power down on the dump bodies? I like that dash board. I helped local 493 back in the early "80's teach driver training. A bunch of great guys fixed up an old Hess truck which the local purchased from Hess, a White road boss all painted up and pretty( as pretty as you could get a Road Boss). Spent weekends training drivers had a lot of fun.
  4. How about wantabies?
  5. Swishy, great videos' I really enjoyed looking at all those old trucks and companies. Must have taken a lot of effort to compile all this.
  6. Always liked the look of these butter fly hoods. Kinda wish I kept my "85" DK. Glad to see you got your truck. I bet it will serve you well.
  7. Karl, send roadusecharges a note. He has a Superliner with the air starter and I'm sure he could answer your questions. He's a good bugger from Kiwi land.
  8. Headed back down to West Lebanon next week and I'll see what's down there, Gotta keep Randy smiling!
  9. Nice pictures Bryan. Thanks for sharing.
  10. There is an old rugged dog, spokes and all.
  11. Well at least it's a hi viz hoodie. Thanks guys for the info on the haul trucks.
  12. Yup, for ten years had 200 teats in my hand twice a day. All shapes and sizes and nationalities. I did work at a saw mill too in the cold Vt. winter so I would say cold planing is in my resume'
  13. It's nice to know there are schools available for steam engines. I wouldn't mind seeing my boy get involved with this hobby. I think Vinny will like that U model Minni Mo.
  14. I honestly don't know. The only big dump I ever drove was a huge old Euclid with a Detroit. Here is the side view of the Hitachi.
  15. Olive, I am a foreman for a road construction company and in charge of cold planing for Vt. Farmer on the side taking care of heifers and cut and sell feed. My son does most of this in the summer do to my job off the farm. No more long hair although my better half likes it. I found when I was milking cows the girls in the barn liked it too. Gentlemen, I love my E9 but have to admit that this C 18 sounds very nice too!
  16. Wore out a couple of those in my "hay" day.
  17. Yup, cheap beer the old man would drink till he fell asleep every weekend. He had a spiecal fridge that had the Bud man on it. Cheap buzz for the old boy.
  18. Thanks Ben, Truck is a little rough but still runs and Dad uses it around the farm. I remember sitting in it one spring when I was 10 and the drivers seat started to make a buzzing noise. Turns out a nest of bumble bees made a nest in the bottom of the seat.
  19. Sounds good Vinny, Are you working on your U while your on vacation?
  20. The first truck I drove was my Grandfathers 1950 GMC 350. My older bother drove it out to one of the fields and let me drive. Needed two acres to turn it around and fell in love the the old girl. This was 1977 (12yo) and I ended up sanding the whole truck down by hand and painted it with a brush. Even painted the meatball silver and the GMC cast, red. Changed two rear tires and fixed the exhaust then Dad let me drive it to work at the neighbors farm. I would work for fuel most of the time at .75 cents an hour. Dad still has the truck and I wish I had a photo of it to share.
  21. Good way to learn drinking Dad's beer too. Piels or Nickerbocker, Dads favorite. The corner stone to any nutritious breakfast!
  22. Here are two haul trucks at the West Lebanon plant. Size difference from my 1 ton.
  23. Well looked at the new cold planer assigned to me today. Wirtgen 2100 and has a Cat C18 in it so I took a photo for you Cat fans.
  24. Pretty interesting weather, sounds like Vt. weather in March.
  25. I hope they don't find the other bull dog....
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