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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Shouldn't you be sleeping or Shagging right about now? I think BTR needs an R model set up like this one, some cock could come drive for you.
  2. Pretty serious trucks there Mark.
  3. Ha, wouldn't want Olive to come to Vt. and kick my butt! Olive, did you know Blue Roans are one of the oldest breeds? Been around since the time of Christ.
  4. Only when you wear your stubbies and jandels cock. Do you think the four of you could match one American?
  5. Glad to see that promotions start early. Gives the kids a sense of accomplishment and self worth. Goofing looking cross breed you got there Olive, is she Angus - Herford cross?
  6. Sound like progress even if it's slow. Hopefully everything will work out and you'll get what you your waiting for.
  7. My friends at Mike's truck and trailer in New Haven Ct. a few years ago started having the garbage haulers power wash their trucks before they would work on them. Mike said he was tired of maggots in his face. I appreciate the hard work trash haulers do and this country would come to a screeching halt if it wasn't for them.
  8. N-14 was a great engine. Had a 1996 Pete with a N 14 @ 435 and bumped it up to 460. What a difference that made in performance. Nice looking W mike.
  9. Hi Paul, Welcome and would love to see some pictures.
  10. The MRU looks great then they make a front loader out of it and all that juice from the cans oozes down over the cab and windshield.
  11. Rob, nothing wrong with a soft screw after a long day......my mind is in the gutter this evening better let my better half know!
  12. Nice to see a different model and year. That one looks a litte more comfortable
  13. Different looking truck and very interesting. We've now seen them in many apps. Very nice.
  14. Mark, thanks for the public message. Very important top-ic
  15. All amazing vehicles thanks for sharing and the wagon is very nice. Love the bumper on your wrecker.
  16. Olive, with all that extra room for seats tell her the Church choir could go right up to the top of the mountain.
  17. Rob, make sure the fuel caps are tight. Don't need and crazy ladies following you home!
  18. Hi Glen Welcome and nice photo of that CH you have. I have been lucky to drive both the R and CH. The CH was great for room and loved the 400 HP but every time I drove an R after I missed them.
  19. So this truck my Grandfather drove was a hand cranker? Would have loved to see that. Boy I wish I could have asked him about his time driving in Bermuda but didn't know about it till he was gone.
  20. Nice truck Doug, thanks for sharing and Jay that's one nice army truck.
  21. Damn! sounds like something from a Chevy Chase movie!
  22. Well not sure what to call them but coydog bait. I guess they do eat them in other parts of this country and around the world. Yes Olive we took care of his fun time but have had a bull for breeding in the past and Max got pinned in the pen by a young bull. His mother was not impressed with me and so no more Rocky Mtn. Oysters. Maybe we'll put them in a jar if someone would like to try em
  23. Awesome Trent! Thanks for sharing
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