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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Thanks guys, my son Max named Steve and I call him Even Steven because he is so mild mannered. Max put the elastic band to his berries yesterday so he doesn't get aggressive. We just let him run around and enjoy himself. He thinks he's a dog. He'll be going out to pasture soon with the heifers as the grass will be growing soon. Here is one of his friends.
  2. Very nice photo's for sure. Where was your yard?
  3. Looks good and straight. Nice when you can get something from your childhood memory. I'll bet you'll get her running with a little care.
  4. Nice set up Doug, Palmer makes a good trailer dump and is your CH Canadian spread?
  5. Doug, those grousers are like new. Very nice crawler!
  6. That's where you start Vinny. I did the same as a boy and an old farmer next to our farm told me anything that has a joint or swivels has a grease fitting and I would spend hours greasing all his equipment and my Dad's too. Handing Dad all his spanners as he worked on equipment taught me a lot on fractions.
  7. Was that Keohring air over hydraulic? I moved one for years like that and the best think about it was it had it's own grease gun on a reel.
  8. Thanks guys. I think I figured this thing out but don't count on it.
  9. Yea your right Rob injection pump timing, I found my notes too. Thanks for the great posts. My hair doo is pretty funny now for sure.
  10. Here is our bull calf Steve on his first adventure.
  11. Thanks Olive, that means a lot to me coming from one chewed up grass slinger to another.
  12. Found this photo the other day of me adjusting injector pump pressure on a 2 valve which I'm not sure if it's a 237 or bigger. Had a great time the week of schooling I had with Alan Hertzog as the instructor. Does anyone know if Mack still has classes and is Alan Herzog still there?
  13. Jim, sounds like they need to have a mechanic on 2nd or 3rd shift to look the trailers over so you gentlemen can get the job done in a timely manner. I can see your frustration.
  14. Great pictures Doug, she still could be a great truck. I like the long wheel base. Would look good next to the flatbed Superdog.
  15. MMM Popeye's! Rt. 2 hard on the back side in N.H. and Vt. is all right for this time of year. Are you taking Rt. 2 to Rt.93 to Rt. 91 south in St. Johnsbury? That is 45 minutes south of me. I'd be happy to say hello if you have the time but I know hat it's like to grab and go. Good luck on your trip and if you need anything please give me a call at the house phone 802-754-9460. Lucky's always has some neat trucks in the back too.
  16. Just saw your post and happy to hear your ok. I know I have to stop and think about what I'm doing at times when I have so much going on and in a hurry. It has happened to all of us in one way shape or form.
  17. Ah, come on out to Vt. for a scenic drive up Rt. 2 then when you get home go see your back surgeon.
  18. Thanks guys and thanks Gregg, I am glad to have shared it and learned about it too. Here is my Grandfather on the left at work in Bermuda.
  19. Well you folks answered my question on what type of car my Grandfather owned in Bermuda which was great so I found another one. This is a photo of the truck he drove there. What type of Mack is it? Thanks, Tim
  20. Very nice, Brings back memories of driving them in the yearly "80"s
  21. That's a good one Olive, there is a lot to say about self perseverance
  22. Look at all those big backsides!
  23. We are all just passing through, never say woulda shoulda coulda. Enjoy what you have everyday.
  24. Yes you are 100% correct,. The part of the country where I grew up has a lot of Eastern European immigrants. All the elderly women call their scarf Babuska. I called my Grandmother this and also her scarf. Dasvidanya, Tim
  25. I think we better start looking on E bay!
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