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Timothy Maikshilo

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. Hi Don,Is Beard Concrete still in business? I did a lot of work in that area back in the "80"s and "90"s and welcome too.
  2. I figured you could straighten him out
  3. Yes Noddy your right again and girls like BTR colors.
  4. Ask Uncle Rob, He'll fill you in.
  5. Vinny, Each other is touching in your post......just letting you know....
  6. Well it sure looks like it could fly!
  7. Great post Olive, Babushka is what a woman would wear on her head to go outside and in Belarus it means Grandmother. Da Pabacennia is a proper nice way to say goodbye. My wife is a speaker of three languages and I'm just trying to speak one. She went to Russia in 1976 for a summer and enjoyed the culture. You should try learning New Zealand.....now there's a hard one to learn
  8. Yes the pit is open to the public. Exit one off of Rt. 93. If your heading North bound go left off the exit. 2.5 miles to Duck Pond Road and take a right. Go 3 miles to the pit.
  9. Nice bunch of trucks Mike. Hope you have a great turn out and plenty of sun.
  10. I think we have all had a moment or two like that. I did my first time picking up a Case 1085B at an Auction and almost took out the mech. new truck from pulling on what I thought was the swing. Damn swing was on the foot pedal. This was changed once back at the garage.
  11. Great photo's and story Paul, Love the primer!
  12. Olive, I enjoy all the goodies you post. There is always something interesting to look at any you find a home for this stuff. You can get parts state side for your Belarus tractor. I will take to my Magneto Brother about this. When you drive your Belarusian tractor remember wear your Babusha! Da Pabachennia! Tim
  13. I don't know but will ask. Dave the operator is old school but he is getting the hang of it. I bet someone like Vinny's age would have no problem.
  14. Yes Vodka.....They drink a lot of it and the home made stuff, watch out! Knock you on you butt big time.
  15. When I went to Belarus to see my cousins in Minsk,The Belarus tractor factory was there and it is huge. In Belarus they use these tractors for everything.
  16. That's great news Vinny! One step at a time.
  17. Nice to see a old B model next to the road and the KW's and Western junk parked in the back.
  18. Would have loved to been there for that Larry. I bet you had a big smile the whole way. Ben, Love the sound of those DD too!
  19. Our new loader at the Waterford plant. Joy stick steering and very nice scale system. Dave is a happy boy....
  20. Nothing runs as good as an old Mack. What other engine will start after two cranks.
  21. OK, remember when Bush beer came out? That frigg'in commercial, BUSHHHH! Or the computer company commercial, WANG!
  22. Looks great Vinny, Here in Vermont old sleds are becoming very collectable and there are even antique sled races.
  23. A 1973 Mercury Capri definitely is not. Seats go all the way back but the shifter gets in the way for going all the way!
  24. I Wonder? Maybe the sugar shack pulling a big hill? Yes sir for sure that would be a sweet sound for sure! Do you have any photo's of the old girl?
  25. Ted Nugent for President and not straying from the thread, Driving a DM 800 up to the White House.
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