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Timothy Maikshilo

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Everything posted by Timothy Maikshilo

  1. One of a kind, you gotta keep this one for sure.
  2. sbrem,We do have some snow but the rain is really taking it's toll on it and The last good day had the boy's F7 out. This is what Dad does when his kid is in school. Hey Olive, You have good weather now but my cousins in West Plains and Springfield say that the humidity in the summer is a killer. We enjoy very little humid days here but the dirt road gets pretty dusty.
  3. Yea guys, rub it in cold and rainy here.
  4. We didn't have a "bad" winter season but can't wait to smell fresh cut grass drying and if I don't have to lay under a truck or tractor on a wet cold ground I will be a happy boy. But today I am changing the oil in the E9 and it's not like this picture.
  5. Yes my thoughts also. I've told my boy these same words and have told him 10 minutes behind the barn and you'll have a different outlook on life. Even now that he is Mr. football linebacker I could teach him a new "play"
  6. My Dad would travel around to shows with his camper to enjoy his retirement and check out the hard labor of love people have put into their projects and talk for hours with these folks and reminisce about the old days. It is a way of life for a lot of retired people and unfortunately it maybe coming to a screeching halt. My Dad's camper cost him $80,000 and with that V10 in it he now only goes to shows in Connecticut.
  7. He was making a home delivery, kinda the the fed ex driver.
  8. Like wise, clicked on the link and up pops spot. Fring'in hilarious.
  9. Great pictures, The sparks are interesting.
  10. That's great Mark, I've been wondering a long time where I saw it. Glad there is an interest in steam equipment. I would love to see a Marion shovel hard at work.
  11. Cross breeds make the best. They know what it's like on the other side of the fence, so they choose to stay in.
  12. I like the color scheme on your truck.
  13. Yea Dale, Missouri needs another track loader.
  14. Thanks David, I could probably pick this one up but I've been told parts are pretty expensive. I was told by the old timers that ran track loaders, they did everything before excavators came along. Could you imagine digging out cellar holes with one all day?
  15. Found another LTL from back in 1991. Company in Waterford,Ct. Had a bunch of LTL's and I would drive for him on the weekends and wax the trucks for $75.00 each when needed. Lot of elbow grease!
  16. Back a few years ago on the way to an auction in Lancaster, PA. My brother and I came across this steam roller. I don't no where it is and as a result I've gotten better at writing info down when I see something.
  17. Like you've said in the past, this was before fast food really took over the country.
  18. In this one they are holding hands and a arm around the waist.
  19. Here are some more old non fat map people.
  20. That would have tighten up the old camera shutter! Damn...
  21. Irish spring really sucks too....
  22. We I was a young lad we went to up state NY every year.
  23. Good for you Vinny! Can't wait to see the video.
  24. Oops that was for Joe Mack...Sorry!
  25. Company out of Hartford,Ct. Baier Construction, They were and still are bridge and dam builders. Started there in 1985.
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