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Everything posted by Devious10

  1. thanks again! this is going to be easier than i thought!!!!
  2. Thanks glenn, so starter and cables then? thats it???
  3. What all do i need to convert to a 12 volt electrical system? keep in mind Electrical is not my strong suit ,I can do it but i hate it. Thanks
  4. All right i need help! I took 8 bolts out of my bumper brackets (4 on each side) and the bumper will not come off! it rocks back and forth but thats it. any input would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Are the Square fuel Tanks with thep step still readily available?
  6. Thanks Rob, Then Pink it is...
  7. Does anyone know the engine color for a b42 gasser engine? And if everything is that color block,head,pullies etc... thanks in advance
  8. For the bud wheels i was thinking 22.5's not 24.5 they would look kinda out of place on that truck.I will definetly look at more pics with stock wheels painted. I can very easily be swayed back to that look.
  9. As i make my to do list and wish list for my B model, a bunch of different ideas have been popping in my head.I want to change the stock split rims to aluminum.My question is is this a hub conversion? And if so what hubs do i need? tHANKS
  10. Thanks Rob,There was no tag on the generator nor a switch under the seat. I will check the bulbs tomorrow...
  11. I have a 56' B42,i just got with no batteries or cables( i dont know why) my question is do i need 6 volt or 12 volt batteries? Is it a 6 volt or 12 volt system? Electrical is my biggest downfall in automotive so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. Mike, The owner of the truck is from my area, He just had it stored at a family members house in NY.FARMER i am from the poconos but i love the altoona area because of my love for trains.Greg thanks for the greeting i will post pics ASAP!
  13. I am 37. It is still original and yes its a gasser. I got it from upstate new york,we hauled it home it doesnt run yet(I am workin on that)
  14. Ok guys, Since i am a rookie to B models anyone have any suggestions,reccomendations,or dos and donts to a new owner. i would relly like to be able to drive and enjoy my truck. Thanks in advance...
  15. thanks for the greeting Steve, Its a 56' b42
  16. Greetings everyone from PA. Awesome site! Finally got my B model this past weekend. I will be asking alot of questions as long as noone minds(LOL)I have wanted one of these trucks since i was 10 years old.
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