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Everything posted by MackDm800

  1. Name: Ford f800 (1986) Date Added: 06 August 2009 - 03:53 PM Owner: Mackdm800 Short Description: The truck use to be a township spair truck it has never had a plow or salter hooked up to it. IT has a 5spd with a 2spd rear View Vehicle
  2. nice
  3. The good thing for all you guys that have cat engines in your trucks you can still get parts and get them worked on
  4. Mine would be the 977k like the one that my cousin own it hasnt ran in a while but get that thing going and that thing will puch like a dozer and load like a loader.
  5. I love the old pony start d8s nothing like hearing that pony bog down then that diesel starts up and that black smoke MAn cant get enough of it also that stright pipes sound when you rev that bastard up and start pushing there is no stoping that dozer
  6. the guy said he loved that truck but he missed the autocar he hauled a lot of stone out of the quarries with that D, R
  7. I know a guy from down south and his family owned a farm so his first truc k was an autocar with a 220cummins with a 13spd so he drover that to his familyies farm and he went to a truck dealer and saw a diamond reo just like the picture up top and he asked the guy about it and the guy said that somebody put a down payment on it so they built it and the guy never picked it up. This truck had a v8 cat with a 16spd spicer. So they guy traded his autocar for that truck. Today he has an rmodel mack dumptruck
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