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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Me needer.
  2. Now thas a truck!! I could just see meself wearing these backroads out round here in that. I bet I could straighten the crooked ones out. randyp
  3. Barry said it was too dangerous to try and park U models around there Vinniebob, kickstand may give way and smush a potential customer. randyp
  4. Tripe? Tripe soup? TRIPE??!! Thas like,,,guts,,,unmentionable parts, unwanted parts,,tripe? Ewwww!!! That be like eating a, a, a, maggoty fishhead! Tripe? (not in my lifetime,,,aint happenin) Blech!!! randyp
  5. Nah,,ifn it had been a U, it woulda flipped on its side pretty quick. randyp
  6. Thats great news! Just take it slow and easy,,,really proud for you! randyp
  7. They just dont make signs like they used to. I had something remotely similar few years ago, cept it was on a dam Cat scraper (eww,,scrapers). I dint hit a sign, but cab was way up yonder in air, I was strapped in and a hanging on for dear life, and then,,,,it fell. I broke my lil ole back, laid up for a long, long time. Official mining investigation says,, and i quote,,"Operator had insufficient air in his air ride suspension seat, thereby causing bodily injury." heh heh,,,gimme a break! randyp
  8. 5 speed auto with quad box,,hmm,,,did it have a 327 chevy pushing it? randyp
  9. That one doesnt look like its ever fell over either!! randyp
  10. heh heh,,,patience vinniebob,,,it will happen, eventually,,,hang in there, dont give up,,,randyp
  11. You prolly got enough there for a moth sammich! randyp
  12. I bleeve I would have to have me summa his ass,,,LOL,,,randyp
  13. Well, I need to know more bout it. What exactly will I be doing? Insurance? Just xactly how much vacation am i going to get and how long a day am i going to be spected to work? 401K? uniform? gun? Corprorate Jet? Shift work? Ahhh,,,forget it, I will do it anyway,,,randyp
  14. yeah, top speed, gear ratios, empty weight, year made, who bought it first, and if one left Dallas, tex. at 1 pm tommorrow, and one left New York city at 3pm tommorrow, where and at what time would they meet or run out of fuel? Hmm..? randyp
  15. Welcome to the site, I spect with all your experience, you will come in super handy round here. Glad to have you aboard! randyp
  16. I dont understand your line of thinking Pawel, those that survive will be improved through their suffering? Those that walk away will continue to sin? randyp
  17. heh heh heh,,,take a chill pill, drink coupla six packs, play with lovely bride, (and she is lovely),,,dernit Hat, call the boss and tell him you taking off next week!! LOL randyp
  18. Yes, if fire broke out, and they were all jammed up, They would figure out pretty quick why its a tried and true safety system. Most all of the safety systems and rules and regulations were written in blood. randyp
  19. Some times you just have to deny people their "rights", and just tell em,,"It aint happening, partner." randyp
  20. I know I cant cover all the military cemeteries, but the day it starts, I will be in this lil small town cemetery, fully armed, and it will be freaking world war lll. randyp
  21. Not just a lime green one, but I hold the land speed record in it. (completely stock lime green). The taller the mountain, the faster it would go. (I also possess the land speed record on downhill run in a tractor tire). randyp
  22. Amen, Thanks for posting that. I cant stop reading it. randyp
  23. Welcome friend, I think you will enjoy this site. Lots of info on here, jokes, truck pics, and everybody here is wierd cept me. randyp
  24. bling, bling,, way yonders lots of bling on there! Need to put that one on lagoon pond duty with me for a coupla days. randyp
  25. Yep, summa these dern country roads around here, killer just jackhammers me down in the seat. Then I have a rassling match with steering wheel trying to back in summa these hell holes round here. randyp
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