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Everything posted by randyp

  1. "Other Dog",,author,, poet,,world famous Kodackatonamer,,professional driver,,chef,,mechanic,,(self taught from driving peterbilts),,counselor,,physcotictherapist,,X-rated story writer,,(who could forget sex on the beach thread),,I could go on and on,,but i wont. His head is prolly swelling now. randyp
  2. Hes my hero and mentor Olive! randyp
  3. Yeah, but they call them Inback.
  4. Well then, cook sumpin, drink sumpin, and, and, well, bang sumpin! (preferably not a firearm). Enjoy your week! randyp
  5. Dern pansy ass Tom, i bet obama would drive one without AC. randyp
  6. I wonder what they were doing with it, and how old it is, and how long its been sitting there, and if it runs, and would they let me borrow it,,,randyp
  7. serial number young man?? randyp
  8. Maybe I could relocate engine behind cab, fill bed with ice water to cool exhaust,,,ahhh, cant speed anyway. randyp
  9. I stopped by my local haunt this morning for my morning coffee, usual crowd was there. There was a man there who shows up occasionally, and in conversation he told me he had invented a special paint that would absorb radar so state troopers couldnt clock you. I know, I guess I do look pretty dumb, anyway, He told me if I would give him a blank check, he would do some work on my dump truck, paint it with his special paint, and it would officially be "stealth". Hmm,,a stealth R-model, now isnt that special?! I told him,,number 1, it dont do but 68 anyway,,number 2,,blank check?,,,number 3,,Im gonna turn your ass in to Rob for impersonating a radar technician,,,number 4,,just go get me a radar gun and clock how fast my boot goes up your ass. Well he just got up and walked out. I must look like an easy mark or sumpin,,,sic em Rob!! randyp
  10. heh heh,,,dern hatcity silly ass flordianite,,LOL,randyp
  11. Twin screws, screwing twins, yeah, its all fun,,,randyp
  12. Good pics Vlad, looks like better weather there than east texas. What are moscits? Is that russian for grasshoppers? randyp
  13. Nice pics! We need serial numbers,,,randyp
  14. Dern Olive, almost didnt recognize you with your pants pulled up! heh heh,,,(I will prolly get bombarded by that statement). Well, you know what I mean,,,randyp
  15. I hire out every now and then to 2 major corporations here Olive, well, re-phrase that, I hire out to a contractor with the million dollar insurance, I run under his insurance, he pads the bill and makes money offn me sweating, I even have to put his magnetic stickers on my equipment. Long story short, evry time I do, they give equipment a thorough inspection, reminds me of old days and MSHA inspections, every light better work, backup horns, zero leaks, fire extinguishers up to date, etc. I have checked into insurance, cant afford for the amount of work I do for them. I dont mind long as i get my going rates, but the inspections get to be a hassle. Im not much into hard hats and safety glasses anymore. randyp
  16. I must be old, I dont know what a zombie apocolyspe is anyhows. Not sure I want one either. randyp
  17. Looks like a good "dairy lagoon" cleanout truck. Be easy to just open doors and hose cab and all out at end of day. randyp
  18. It screams,,,Bling, Bling, BBBBling! different too,,,randyp (looks like sumpin Hatcity would try to pick up chicks in)
  19. What make of engine is in it? Clean looking cherrypicker! randyp
  20. The major components will prolly hold up for you, the lil stuff will nickel and dime you to pieces, and, at the end of the day, you will know you have been a real truck driver that day. randyp
  21. Yes, by all means, good luck, and have a blast, and enjoy, and good luck,,,randyp
  22. randyp


    Seems like the only ones I run into, all they pull on is a bottle or a can. Fellow stopped by where I was working yesterday, got out of his truck with a can of beer, and asked me if I had any truck driving jobs. He had one hell of a beergut on him, I dont think my truck seats even go back that far. I told him he was already violating the open container law, he said piss on that law, i says, well, dont have any openings right now, but thanks for stopping. People are unbelievable sometimes. randyp
  23. randyp


    Amen slpwlker, me and him woulda got some shit straight real early in the game, or one of us woulda been gone. I dont tolerate such as that real well. randyp
  24. Im in market for one, that ones just a tad short for me, thanks for posting though, good luck. randyp
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