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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Yes, i agree Rob, my leg gets a lil achey, my throttle spring is a lil tight also. randyp
  2. Yep, just call me "ruint" Rob. The only gripe I think I could have bout it is, dammit, it will guzzle the fuel. It seems to use lot more than the 300 with the 9 speed. I think its worth every drop though. I guess i need to get official and check them both in that respect. However, Killer is one hell of a fuel guzzler also, without any of the comforts. randyp
  3. I just went and looked at the eager beavers. Its a good looking trailer. I may call tommorrow and check price and also see if i can change a few things. I need steel cleated ramps and dovetail. When i bought the Kaufman drop deck I have, they changed that for me. The spring assist ramps are essential also. Thanks gentlemen,,,randyp
  4. Thanks, am gonna investigate. randyp
  5. Its just my own 2 cents, but here goes. The last dump truck I bought, an 80 R with 2 stick 6 speed has ruined me completely! The other one is a 9 speed, and I shove it off on other hands now. Im tired of shifting, just enjoy driving along and looking at scenery and drinking soda pops and etc. I know this is blasphemy, but dont even wanna drive and shift and hear "Killer" beller anymore, and struggle with his "power assist" steering and no air conditoner. There, I said it! I am gonna get me a trailer to pull with air conditoned dump truck with one handed power steering and stereo and quiet muffler and plenty o power without all that dam shifting! Sorry fellow Mack nuts, am getting old and tired and senile. randyp
  6. Anybody got any input on favorite brands of pintle hitch trailers in the 20 to 25 ton range? I looked at a few, Kaufman, Winston, and a few others. I plan on getting a new one, would welcome some opinions. randyp
  7. I agree with David, best part is stability, worst part is taking so much room to dump. Dozer operators will cuss you on roadside stockpiles, but brag on you when spreading on a roadjob. I work too many tight spots to use one, I like em though. randyp
  8. Apparently thas not the front room switch, looks more like the "rear room". randyp
  9. heh heh heh,,,im speechless,,(for once) LOL,,,randypee
  10. I hope you like shifting gears,,,,,randyp
  11. I turned screen this way, then that, got out magnifiers, (no, not talking bout the crotch shot), measured distance variables, calculated degrees, and tractor pears to be holding up steel cable so people can walk under it without tripping. Looks like sinking a pole would be cheaper. Yall sure do pee a lot up there. randyp
  12. Not really handy if dont have dumping room though, and one can get stuck with one trying to dump,,,randyp
  13. Down here in Texas we haul lottsa gravel with them. We are loaded up with them down here. They are really good at dumping on road building jobs cause they leave a nice neat row of rock or gravel. randyp
  14. Dern Volvo Space ships! Shop said "clutch" bushings went out, they had whole dash out of it. They said I needed to slow down more before Re-entry. I cant help it, entries just excite me. randyp
  15. Happy Birthday, Have a great one! randyp
  16. You got everything real clean! Thas the way to take care of a truck! I could learn something here,,,,randyp
  17. I dont know what he means bout "deciding" to run one off by hand David, I thought that was the natural way. Hand has never had a headache or said no yet. randyp
  18. Nice job! Looks sharp! randyp
  19. Welcome back, hope you had a good time. I look forward to it every year. All is bout same here, just more of it. randyp
  20. All it needs is a tarp and texas plates! randyp
  21. Dernit! Stop it! Dont do that! Thats all i needs is temptation to buy another dump truck! Your gonna get me neutered like Rob! Stop that! Thas a good looking truck, gots my name all over it. I gotta quit looking. randyp
  22. Grrr,,,hmm,,,too late, i heared that. (tapping foot now) Joe D, Joe Joe joe d,,no camera, hmmm, well, am gonna let you slide this time, best be getting that camera. I need 25 pages, front and back,,,I will not forget camera. randyp
  23. heh heh heh,,,here we go agin,,,LOL,,,randyp
  24. In my earliest coal mining days, (and nights), I spent a many, a many, a many, a mucho, a buncha time on ole number 2208 Euclid 120 ton belly dump coal hauler, V-12 cummins, straight stack sticking up right behind cab, long long nose hood. Top speed was bouts 45 mph, loaded or empty, power shift 6 speed trans. Used to put a big chunk of coal down stack at night, start pullling up long ramp and watch the fireworks show start over cab. I got more ass chewings over that. I always told em it musta fell out of shovel bucket and went down stack. heh heh,,,they usually didnt fall for it,,,,randyp
  25. Hi Mark ole buddy! Great pics there, Other Dog will be proud of you! Be careful with your wording though. When you said pics on the fly, Rob might think thas pics "of your fly", and will no doubt be stalking you,,,randyp
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