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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Put her in 1 Lo and she pulls like a water buffalo,,,,randyp
  2. That engine amazes me bout how low it can drop loaded and just chug and belch and recover so fast. Thems dern good tough engines!! randyp
  3. I been specting the EPA to pull me over any day now and accuse me of lowering temps around here every time I shift and blot out the sun for a few minutes. It looks like Im burning pure knotty pine between shifts. It clears back up and burns clean pretty quick though. randyp
  4. Dernit Tom, thas my cousin Voltaire from Nebulla star cluster 14. You put her down right now, and watch where you put your fingers, shes sensitive! randyp
  5. I like em cause you can drink soda pops, take pictures, dip snuff, relax, enjoy scenery, and rest shifting hand. Randyp
  6. One small lil trick I learned on mine, I just tap the clutch a lil to get out of gear to upshift, but time it when letting off throttle, hard to splain, let off throttle a tad before pulling out of gear, and it will pull rpms down just a lil to go into next gear quicker. Hard to explain, have to play with it a lil bit and experiment,,,,randyp
  7. Looks to have lottsa potential to me,,,,randyp
  8. Yes, A very Happy Birthday to you my friend,,,,,randyp
  9. randyp

    B'day boy:

    Happy Birthday P#t*!!!! randyp
  10. Pharmecuticals greatest gift to mankind! randyp
  11. heh heh,,Daingerfield International Airport??? LOL,,,randyp
  12. I was having urinary tract trouble one time, and the nurse ran one of those down my penis. It was a lot longer than that one though. randyp
  13. "Okay folks, move along, nothing to see here, les go, keep it moving,,,Take your bucket and head to aisle 6 Rob, need cleanup over there". randyp
  14. randyp

    For Rowdy

    I stared at that for bout 30 seconds and started hearing voices,,,well,,never mind, I was already hearing voices. randyp
  15. Amen my brother! randyp
  16. Rob is the kind we save for our special "spicy" Spam Tom. Got a lil kick to it. randyp
  17. On a sidenote,,,those humans we really like,,,what do you really think Spam is made of Tom,,,Hmmmmm? Hmmmmm? Baahhaaahaahaaahaaa,,,BBaaahaahahaaaahahhhhaaaahhhhaaaa!!!! randyp
  18. I saw you, my alien tractor beam followed you, our mother ship had laser triptazoid beam aimed at you, if you had even breathed on one of our eggs,,,,you would be vapor now. I told the mother ship to "hold off", I knew you,,,,,,you owe me. randyp
  19. I'd put some pontoons under it, some bunk beds and a frigerator and shove it down the river. Oh, and a ladder to get nekkid and jump off top in water. randyp
  20. You sure do got some sissy looking chains there Tom. I dont think they would stop that load. Im not gonna dare say they are "gay" looking. Seems to stir folks up, that made it even funnier,,,,randyp
  21. randyp


    heh heh,,I think he got a lil bend in his stick. Deal with it lad, toughen up. randyp
  22. Thanks all, And I have no doubt the Vinster is the cause of all this. Dern truck is sitting there like a silly ass u-model now. Maybe he will loan me his kick stand. randyp
  23. heh heh,,ifn they dont Olive, i gots a good idea where he can shove it. If he cant get it all in, he can just let a lil more air out of seat. He wont be trying it in anything I own though. randyp
  24. Try to come over here at cooler time of year Vlad, and will put a tent up on creek, will chase a hog or two down, catch a fish or three, shoot off lots of ammunition, may even take a break when we get tired, and go clean out a dairy lagoon or two. You teach me Russian, and I will tutor you in Texan. You is welcome anytime. randyp
  25. Lemme see ifn I can properly esplain this broke part on my 87-R. On the right front axle, on the spring, at the rear of the spring, there is a shackle that comes down and a pin goes through it and eye in spring. That pin broke, and spring just rides up against top spring hanger now. There are bolts on it, I guess to keep it from slipping? Truck is dropped bout 4 inches on right side now, got that tired look to it. My querstion is, is it safe or okay to jack right front frame up there, a lil behind shackle, to allow spring to come on back down, so I can put a new pin in it? There are grease fittings on top and bottom on pins in that location. Thanks fellow Mack afficianodos. randyp
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