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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I know u right Rowdy,,now thas my style there! randyp
  2. Dadburnit Tom, How is Dozer even gonna be able to eat his reglar dog food with chicken wire round his head? randyp
  3. Aww, let Dozer eat em. In this modern age we live in, we gots medicine for tapeworms and all the other lil microbiologicalistically infectiously involved critters that live in the underworld. randyp
  4. heh heh, I remember the first time I had to tell a girl "blow" was just a term. I thought she was gonna pop it. randyp
  5. I kinda like em, the older ones anyway. randyp
  6. Great Pics! randyp
  7. hmmf,,,sounds like Dozer eats like my grandson, he doesnt overchew anything either. randyp
  8. I am back, survived oklahoma scout camp, ready for a buzzard re-match. I gained 20 lbs. eating okla. dirt,,,,lost 30 lbs. walking,,no,,trudging okla. mountains, soooo,,lemme see now,,carry one, cipher the 7, divide all 3,,scratch, scribble,,,,um, lemme get back to you on final weight loss or gains figures,,over and out and tired old man,,,randyp (stinky also)
  9. aww come on Olive, i manage it with mine up my ass,,,,try harder,,,randyp
  10. Also a noticable lack of blood Hat,,,,ya gotta have the blood, nothing gets fixed without the blood,,,,randyp
  11. heh heh,,,Thas the first thing went through my mind later Tom,,,,Other Dog is gonna be so dissapointed in me for no camera, but it was no time for picture taking! randyp
  12. Getting ready to head out to Scout camp for week in a lil while. Gonna leave you with one last post, its a scary one, happened this last Wednesday. I am still just a lil sore from it. Going down lil one lane country black top road with a load of dirt in ole Mack. Road is overgrown pretty bad, was approaching lil creek, going bout 15mph, bout 40 yards ahead of me at creek tinhorn, buzzards were steady pouring out of bushes beside creek as they heard me approaching. I had all windows down trying to get a breeze, as I crossed tinhorn, one last giant red headed sumbitching bastard buzzard came out of bushes and flew right into cab with me through passenger side window! Here I is with 12 tons of dirt behind me, a buzzard with wingspan as wide as my cab, in my cab with me, and he is bout as pissed as me. Long story short, I managed to grab him by neck, as held wheel with other hand, and also as he shit, slobbered and pissed all over cab, feathers flying all over place. He was steady trying to beak me, and Im struggling to slow truck down and stay out of ditch. I did manage to finally lean over far enough to shove him out window, I think I broke his wing in process. I got stopped, had to, cause smell had started me retching and slobbering myself. I think he was one of those that was tired of waiting on something to die, he was gonna eat him a live truck driver. I made it home, and spent rest of day cleaning truck out. It was bad my friends! I keep spraying, but it still stinks in there,,,,,,randyp
  13. Thanks all,,Thas right, the world is made of dirt, one a these days we all gonna turn back into dirt, then will be more dirt, then, gonna need more Macks to move it,,,then,,,then,,,dern, this may be an endless cycle,,,,randyp
  14. heh heh, oh me,,,,randyp
  15. Thanks all my good friends, you made birthday even better! I liked it so much, i may have another one bout this time next year! randy dillinger
  16. Nah,,,beings how was boithday and all,,,just spent day mucking around,,,,Thanks, randyp
  17. Thanks all, just so happens I have doctors appt. bright and early this morning, gonna clean up, (and its not even saturday), go see doc, come home, and get all dirty again. I may take after Dillinger and knock off coupla banks on way back home. Thanks again all,,,,randyp
  18. Well, there is entirely too much seriousness going on here. I had a nice detroit one time, I spanked her too hard and she RAN AWAY!!! yee hee hee hee hee hee,,,,,randyp
  19. Dern, they finally made one i can get parts for! Chainsaw and a coupla gallons gas will get me a new set of tracks! OH Boy!! randyp
  20. heh heh,,,wonder if they are gonna take any of the long yellow things on the picnic? randyp
  21. Wish they would find something rare under the white house, and shut it down. randyp
  22. Yep Jim, smartness comes with age, just gotta figure how to live long enough to get some age. I had lotta youthful moments that I wouldnt wanna relive, but learned from every one of them. randyp
  23. They dont give us many passes here in state mental facilities,,,,randyp
  24. In my one and only scare, I dint know an R-model hood could vibrate like that, and I heard all kinda strange creepy sounds. Felt like I should hear sound barrier booming just any second. I had done pumped brakes till lil ole leg was wore out. I was not even gonna consider an even lower gear, per chance I may get it outta that gear and not be able to get back in any gear, then be going down hill in neutral. Felt like they prolly ought foam runway at steel mill and get hell outta way after scrambling firetrucks. I made turn at bottom, scattering bark, not sure how truck managed to keep her feet under her though. God definitely was with me that day,,,,randyp
  25. Hes my hero and mentor,,,,randyp
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