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Everything posted by randyp

  1. randyp


    How do we know this is really Rob? You could be an alien that has digested the brain of the real Rob,,,and,,,and,,,uh,,wait a minit,,nevermind, an alien would starve to death on the brain of the real Rob. Welcome back ole friend,,,randyp
  2. However, I dint think I was gonna like 992 loaders when they went joystick, and after running it, wondered why they waited so long to do it. randyp
  3. Ifn you spend much time on a 16, it will make you throw rocks at a 14. I retired from mines bout time they were getting that joystick stuff in, I dont much think I would like it though. I got a lil Galion I like for driveways and stuff, I think its a 69 model. It has a detroit 3-53 power unit, and drones on and on and on,,,LOL,,,(freaking detroits) randyp
  4. Salutations Greenhorn! Now,,enjoy the show, (buckle your seat belt though),,,randyp
  5. Best sleep i ever got was in a "dumpster". You can nap, wake up, have a snack, then nap some more,,,,randyp
  6. An all expense paid trip to drive a dump truck in texas in mid august, only pay will be that kiss Olive was talking bout,,,,randyp
  7. heh heh heh,,,you isnt right or sumpin,,,LOL,,,randyp
  8. As a young lad, I got me a lot of pulpwood action on a dodge just like that. As you can prolly magine, it dint look nowhere that good, matter of fact, looked like it had been "strafed" a coupla times or two. Dint cut them much slack in the pulpwoods,,,randyp
  9. HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!!!! Its a chevy U!,,,,,randyp
  10. Me too hat,,,then paint over that and watch it dry again,,,,randyp
  11. woof,,,grunt,,,ouch,,,,les try synthetic lubricant,,,randyp
  12. F-e-e-l-i-n-g-s-s-s--------nothing more than F-e-e-l-i-n-g-s-s-s-s-,,,,,,Oh,,,,kiss my ass Barry Manilow,,,feelings suck,,,,randyp
  13. I guess I been outta school too long. I though a PSA test was where they run a camera up your butt and checked your colon. I bet Other Dog would excell at that occupation! randyp
  14. Well,,umm,,,welllll,,,,,,I took up for you all I could Olive,,,umm,,,well,,,,,randyp
  15. I take the back generator cover off mine, spray lectra clean in it, blow it out, and while its running, hold a stick of commutator cleaner on it and clean rust off commutator. It usually perks up and goes to charging. Also check all other stuff they mentioned above. randyp (the cover I mentioned above is to the brushes)
  16. Yank that roof mount air offn it and ship it down here to Texas,,,and, and, and I will pack a texas hog in dry ice and ship it to you,,,even trade? randyp
  17. Awright, thas enough picking on the Olive! The short bus hadnt got to his house yet,,,Hatcity is the winner!! randyp
  18. Dont none o my fwew gwages work, I just wam a stick down in them and mweasure wit,,,,wandyp
  19. Sounds like sound advice from a fellow victorian. randyp
  20. Spots prolly thinking,,,"Hmmm,,,I do that a lot, but its usually my own". randyp
  21. heh heh,,,yous joisy guys,,,LOL,,,,randyp
  22. Everbody gits 3 guesses why you cant see Olive on there,,,randyp
  23. Everbody send me just any thing they can, and I will sit in house under air cond. all summer,,,randyp
  24. Now wait a dern minit here,,,thas my bus!!!! No, Olive dint sit in my lap,,,,randyp
  25. I dont even care how old you get, all the above content is FUNNY! Dont even care who you is, its FUNNY! heh heh and a big heh,,,,randyp
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