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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Yeah, its scary when you think bout all the situations you been in that books and videos cant cover. It definitely is a daily learning process. I hope he doesnt think I was trying to shun him away from this bidness, I wasnt, He just dont need to think its something you just learn in a few days and take off with it. randyp
  2. say hi to Elmer Fudd for me,,,randyp
  3. Idth centwally wocated somewhere between weft fwont turn thignal and right rear tire,,,hope thith heps,,,randyp
  4. yeth, there idth. randyp
  5. First of all, I sense a hint of "spam" here. Thank you for the flowers though Mike. Mr. Freeman,,,transportation technicians are not "made" in 3 or 4 days. There is a plethoria of situations to encounter on the road in this industry that cannot be learned from a book or video. Yes, you do have to satisfy all the legalities, pass tests,,etc.,,,but doing all those things wont make you an instant driver. Its kinda like me going to a coaching academic site and telling coaches I am tired of driving, I want to be a coach, gottta do it in 3 or 4 days, forget all other B.S. and just hand me the degree. Lives are at stake when you are operating large trucks, not just yours, but others. Anyways, all said and done, if trucking companies are so eager down there to hire, they will train you and provide you a truck to test in and satisfy all legalities. Believe me, They are very eager for you to be responsible and safe in their vehicles. Now dont get your feelings hurt, just slow down and think all this through. randyp
  6. Hes prolly outta fuel somewheres,,,,randyp
  7. Joe, les just not have any more talk bout engines "running backwards", I may have a relapse with cold chills,,,,randyp
  8. Other Dog, now thas the kind of Kodiakatronomy I expect from you! All you others on here sit up and take a look at the "Master at Work". He went to a lot of trouble to get those pics of the elusive and rarely seen Int35282##al paystarhauler! He is my mentor! randyp
  9. Seeing pics of all those scrapers, kinda like watching a horror movie! randyp
  10. Yeah, all they said Vin, U rock!!!! randyp
  11. Aww Vinny, just think of it this way, if he hits you, your just taking one for the team! You get a free base! Now dont go jumping out over the plate just to get on base though! Hang in there and smack that ball,,,or let it smack you,,,,randyp
  12. Sounds sorta kinda almost close to yall may be fulla shit. I like the depends style with the elastic cuffs, so I dont get a warm dribble down my laig. randyp
  13. Well great Tom! My wife has recently politely re-arranged MY, yes, MY office,,,not hers,,,MINE,,dont know why she did that, but cant find my spec sheet that came with trailer. I will keep looking. In meantime, you may go to Kaufman website, its prolly on there. I had written the salesmans number on spec sheet also, will find it for you. It is a 25 ton, I bleeve 26 feet of flat deck then dovetail,,,the 60's wrecked my memory though. randyp
  14. heh heh, no, luckily we didnt get any of that! Texas has been having some really strange weather here lately. I gotta go check that out. I did watch that news film the other day where the 40 ft. reefer trailers were flying bout 3 or 4 hundred feet in the air in the tornado in Dallas. They were getting whirled around like paper sacks! Its just hot and dry already in Northeast Texas where im is. I spect we gonna see another drought again,,,oh well,,,good for pond digging anyway,,,,randyp
  15. Well, dip me in doodoo Billy, went back and read his post and you are right. Oh well, I dint pay much tention in school, and I been outta there a looooooong time. Matter factly, principal burnt school down just to get rid of me. He testified it would be worth "dropping soap" in prison shower to not have to deal with me anymore. randyp
  16. It pulls straight as an arrow and has steel dovetail with cleats for tracked equipment
  17. I may in future sell it, been thinking bout it, and getting a pintle hitch trailer to pull with dump truck, but still undecided, prolly wont, really would like to keep it and add pintle trailer also for backup in case killer gets to ailing or sumpin,,,randyp
  18. I got a new Kaufman, 25 ton, bleeve it was bout 12,500 or 13,000 dollars. It has done a really good job, have used the crap outta it a coupla years now. I ordered it and they shipped here to texas from nebraska. Its got really good heavy D- rings and a good storage for chains and ratchet binders in front neck. It is an open neck design, I requested that kind and they built it for me. It has spring loaded ramps and is very easy to load up excavator or dozer or grader. I really like it..Lemme see can i find a pic on here of it,,,If you are interested, I have a salesmans number up there, really nice helpful guy,,,,randyp
  19. Dern, I wouldnt know how to act with nice equipment like that! Wife says I dont know how to act anyway though. Nice looking Job! randyp
  20. I most multiply concur with the Georgia weevil, it would be a walk in the park while out of the truck,,,randyp
  21. I just wish my dick was long enough to get stomped in dirt, I would even stomp it myself. Heres my u-model list Vinny,,,,U-Model,,,,,,randyp
  22. Thas them all right! Cant magine what they would do to poor young Vinny when they got him between them! Treachorus rascals! randyp
  23. Ahm a bettin summa my hard earned wages Other Dog just mighta had sumpin to do with that,,hmm,,,awfully suspicious. I am on the case! Senior Detective Randyp
  24. Apparently,,,you are not aware of my "vivid" imagination, so better pass on that one. have a good safe time,,,randyp
  25. Stay way from there,,its no place for young clean feeble uncorrupted minds like yours Vinny,,sides all that, wouldnt wanna see you get raped and pillaged. randyp
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