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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I am a lil worried that "other dog" hasnt come back. He seems to be looking at it a long time. Oh, I forgot, its 12 inches,,,,may take him a while,,,,,randyp
  2. After reading all of this thread, why did I scroll back up and see what yall were talking bout? My first clue should have been the fact that Rob found it on ebay. why, why, why did i go and look? randyp
  3. I think he needs to tune his pony motor up a lil bit. Get a muffler for it too. Ifn i was to crank it to get out on highway, I would head straight for scrapyard and collect me a check! dam scrpaers,,,,,randyp
  4. Other Dog turned Spot into a "star". He aint been acting much like a star lately, chewed open a box of brand new high dollar spark plug wires and wasnt satisfied to destroy just one, he got each one. I went back out bout 20 minutes after that and he had one of my rubber boots all chewed up. i think maybe its cause he hasnt had a pig lately, havent lost any cows lately either, so i guess hes excersizing his teeth a lil, or a lot. Prolly wont be long he will tire of waiting on a cow to die, and just kill one. randyp
  5. We have already hit 80,s here several days, I dont care if it hits 120, I hates winter,,,randyp
  6. I usually got a finger full of Vicks Salve shoved up my nostril, mam said it would help "purge" my sinful language, good for colds too, matter of fact, highly possible I ate a few sandwiches with it too, Dern, she musta bought it by the gallon! foul smelling stuff! randyp
  7. Well, havent bought it yet, still dickering, I guess im just a dickerer. Its got a nice winch on it that would really come in handy a lot of times. Im still looking though,,,randyp
  8. randyp

    Good Dog:

    Im a grits fan meself tom,,,randyp (and I can eat my weight in hominy, course, dont weigh much though)
  9. Well, I told someone on here the other day, its always been my biggest fear to drop a steering tierod going down road bout 65 or 70 with dirt behind me. I have dropped one before, but was just backing up, got all pigeon toed too. I inspect them closely now, but never gave lotta thought to joint on top of steering box, I will now though! randyp
  10. heh heh,,,i bet I took bout 100 photos today, but something is amiss on this stupid puter, it wont load them from chip. I didnt get photo of aformentioned truck, but got some really good ones of cement pumpers today. Nobody managed to get in ditch today either. Had 2 pumpers rented, cement trucks dumping in one, and it pumping to the other one. Who said cement cant fly? randyp
  11. Coming home for lunch today, saw a truck parked goofy past a red light at intersection, and he had hood tilted up so i turned around to see if he might need some tools. It was a Mack vision pulling a 40 ft. float with forklift on back. He had run up on grass, almost clipping power pole and trailer was just barely out of road. He said tools wouldnt help, he had a call in to his boss who was on his way. Turns out, He heard and felt a loud snap, lost all his steering, and just managed to get it stopped, luckily without hitting anything or anyone. On closer inspection, the steering joint on top of steering box had snapped into, and steering wheel was just freewheeling. He was going bout 40 MPH when it happened. He is one lucky driver. I got home and skipped lunch just to go check mine out. Thas scary! randyp
  12. Im bout scared to go look at Robs link,,,,randyp
  13. Yall has done give me a headache, and i gots a big head to be hurting like this,,,,randyp
  14. heh heh,,,looks pretty close to the one I drug outta bar ditch today, prolly just as heavy too. That is one tough looking truck. randyp
  15. I like that dog, those are bout some of the most loyal dogs there are,,,,randyp
  16. randyp

    Good Dog:

    I been seeing that in store, guess i better give it a try. I put a coupla spoons of wheat germ in my oatmeal, helps me ward off green krytonite and maintain my boyish figure,,,randyp
  17. My favorite is the 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to plant a tree! Well done sgt. Rob! randyp
  18. Great pics Tom. My wife has been telling me i dont have enough reach for 35 years now. I guess if she has put up with it this long, its gonna have to be enough. Instead of wearing your slippers today, you coulda come to texas and helped me drag cement pump truck out of bar ditch. It consumed better part of a day. Them rascals are super heavy! Bad part of it is, it starts all over at daylight in morning. I just hope they dont send that driver back again. randyp
  19. Well,,,I aint never done it, and prolly never will, however, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I think you can do it, just get to getting it. You have my support, all except the financial part. randyp
  20. randyp

    Good Dog:

    I am not a truck driver, I, sir, am a transportation technician, highly trained, extremely motivated, unadulterated, proficient and knowledable, whether it be trucks or politics. I do pologize for my sometimes misappropiation of the queens english. randyp
  21. Shoot, When I was growing up, we kept a salt shaker, pepper shaker, and cup of powdered lead on the table all the time. Hell, lead wont hurt you, long as its not coming out end of a barrel. I know its safe, just look at me,,,,,well,,,,,delete that,,,maybe not,,,,,rrraannndyypppeee
  22. heh heh, u aint even right,,,,LOL,,,randyp
  23. randyp

    Good Dog:

    Im just typing again so this will go to top of page again,,,,badda bing badda bong,,,somebody got their panties wadded up,,,randyp
  24. Otay den
  25. randyp

    Good Dog:

    Shit in oatmeal must be worse than shit in cheerios,,,I never had either one myself, but enjoy humorous things, makes me go heh heh heh heh heh heh heh,,,,,randyp
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