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Everything posted by randyp

  1. heh heh heh heh heh, sorry hat
  2. I wouldnt change a thing, ifn aint broke, dont fix it. Lil traffic behind you cant hurt anything. Thas just my 2.5 cents,,,,,randyp
  3. Hatcity went to paratrooper school, came home during a break to visit family. He told his dad it was really scary way up in that plane, and when it came his turn in door to jump, he froze. Big mean drill sargeant pulled his pecker out and told Hat, either you jump or I run this up your rear boy. After a moment of silence, Hats dad said.."Well, did you jump son?" After another moment of silence, Hat replied,,"Well, I did a lil bit at first dad." author unknown, not randyp
  4. Try iron Planet, or, I bet hes too high, but we got a local yokel who sell trucks and trailers, gathers them up all over country, mostly p#terbilt and kenworth trucks. Hes loaded up with all kinds trailers, i was never able to deal with him, too pricy. His name is Jerry Blackwell,,,dba as Blackwell Truck Sales,,,903-645-3387. randyp
  5. We got one old hardware store, if they dont have it, it dont exist. They have the best assortment of bolts and screws on the planet. Im a regular there, sometimes just stop to visit and get a cup of coffee. Ive always told owner if he got ready to sell, i will buy it. i like that old place, smells good, people are nice,,,screw walmart. If im in next town over sometimes, I kinda like Lowes too. screw walmart,,with a pink artificial pecker. fornicate walmart. randyp
  6. i could mow lawn with that, or, burn lawn off,,,,randyp
  7. Dont know if this counts, but I have a lil motor grader with a detroit 3-53. I grew up running log skidders, all detriots, 3-53 and 4-53, prolly reason i cant hear today. What? huh? randyp
  8. Dang, Rob said "gorilla" and I got erected! Now what am i supposed to do with this? randyp
  9. heh heh,,at my age and shape im in, Im just proud to make a doo doo anywhere, sometimes i just look at it and smile, or call sweetie pie to come see what i made,,,For some reason, shes never impressed,,,,randyp
  10. I bid on one last year on Iron Planet, but I had set my limit on it, and it passed my limit, and my budget, and my ability to retrieve it, and everthang and all that, so I just gave up. it was a nice one though,,,,randyp (killer wouldnt have been happy with it)
  11. slpwkler, They are still hauling cat end dumps through here, something big must be going on down south,,,randyp
  12. My sweet wife says ifn i drag one more truck or trailer home, I got one old fashioned ass whooping coming my way. heh heh,,silly woman dint say nothing bout no dozer though,,serves her right. I kinda liked olives idea, beam trailer, and let the dozer tracks push me. Prolly wouldnt be a hit with highway dept. though. randyp
  13. I hafta side with Hatcity, I would druther take a ass whooping with a barbed wire wrapped bois'D arc fencepost than go in walmart. Ifn nunna yall is familiar with bois'd arc, or Bodark, thats one hard as hell lil tree that grows round here parts, even harder than hickory, and prolly last 400 years. I detest walmart, a lots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r a n d y p
  14. heh heh,,I had forgotten bout that picture other dog,,,LOL,,,thats summa your best work! randyp
  15. Now ats using your noodle, the one inside your head!!!! randyp
  16. My biggest fear has always been for a steering tierod to break while Im barreling down road bout 65 or 70 with 14 yds of dirt just a few feet behind me. I once had one drop out whilst i was backing up real slow and front tires just pigeon toed. I prolly inspect those now more than anything on a truck. If it ever does happen, I doubt i will get any pictures for Other Dog. randyp
  17. Everthings bigger in texas, even our screwups,,,randyp
  18. Somebody on here, may have been slpwlker, tuned me into exhaust company called pittsburg power. I ordered a new muffler, straight through performance design, one for 80 model and one for ole killer, plus 2 short bullhauler stacks. I will post pics when they come in and I get them on. It will be nice to quieten killer down a lil bit. randyp
  19. They aint serving none o that shit to my grandson else i will be up there, may drive dump truck through front door. Michelle dumb bitch obama, pardon my french, cant stand them assholes,,,,randyp
  20. What in the hell is that gook? Dont look appetizing,,,randyp
  21. Oh yeah Hat, thas too cool. I like the part where he told him they used to stack "fucks" like him in korea and use them for sandbags. Dern, i think may have to rent that and watch it again tonight,,,randyp
  22. I been tinkering with 80 Mack dump truck i bought while back, slowly climatizing it. I drove it bout 10 miles yesterday to warm it up, came home and dropped all oils out of front tandem and re-filled with good clean oil and yes Rob, lil bit of Lucas too, nanna nanna . I took vent out and gave it good cleaning then quit for day. Today i made same drive and came home to do same to rear tandem, when i took rear check plug out, noticed it had a lot of air pressure behind it so figured vent was stopped up. I drained all oils, refilled, and yes, refilled from top down, lucas also Rob,,heh heh,,anyways, went to clean vent and it wasnt there. Some moron in trucks other life had removed vent and plugged it off completely! I have no clue why they would do that. That cant be good for wheel seals, glad i caught it fore i was replacing seals. Now I gotta go hunt me up a vent. Dern Morons! randyp
  23. The one and only, and you let him in your lap, and may lose some parts of your lap,,,randyp
  24. All i can says is,,,Killer better get his act together, and all his injectors firing in full proper sequence, cause its most likely i bought a Cat D6D yesterday, and i fully spect Killer to tote it. I may have to add a nitrous bottle or three. (or maybe that aircraft radial engine I been thinking bout retrofitting in him) randyp
  25. In my best Clint Eastwood impersonation,,,,"Get outta my yard" randyp (all squinty eyed too, holding a M1 Garand)
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