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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I was on the cat 992 one day in mines and was called on radio to come to shop to do a lil job. It turned out the lil job was take loader and turn a 120 yard dragline bucket upside down so they could do some weldiing on it. I did manage to get tooth tips under it without breaking any off, but you shoulda seen the dirt fly and heard the noise when I finally got that rascal up on its side, got it overbalanced and watched it flip. man, what a trip! Thas fore I knew Other Dog, so i dint have camera,,,,randyp
  2. Well. I thinks you did everthang right, proud of you! But dammit, you mean to tell me you dont maintain a "mortar pit" for when they think they are getting away? You gets youself out there right now and get that pit dug, set up mortar, and put you up a coupla dozen range sticks around farm. Dont forget the Claymores either. randyp
  3. Im old, kinda slight built and mostly humped over a lil from hard work and bad back, mostly even tempered, but i speak soflty and carry a large "tire thumper", piece of steel cable with a big lead ball on end. Its legal and will not hesitate to check the "air pressure" of some hot headed sumbitch who wants to gnaw a chunk of my old ass off. Dont much stomach some sumbitch wanting to treat me disrespectful. Wont tolerate it, will discuss anything with anybody, just be civil bout it. randyp
  4. They managed to patch it, just bothers me cause its no longer a "virgin". Now it will always be on my mind,,,,randyp
  5. Thanks Rob, I may give you a call on that when i see what I find out,,preciate it,,,,randyp
  6. I poked a hole in a brand new 11:00 tire today, ran over a bolt. That just really pisses me off to have that happen. dernit,,,randyp
  7. Thanks Rob, There is a good bearing supply house in next local town. I just gotta catch it between moves and get it in and out pretty quick. I dont know what brand that lil pump is, havent delved in to in enough yet. It would sure be handy ifn I already had that pintle trailer now. randyp
  8. I can make mine look like a coiled up water moccasin in the bottom of the pot. I think the rear end gyrations i make doing it are why i was so popular with the soiled ladies when i was a younger man,,,heh heh,,I still got it,,,,randyp
  9. Every now and again, I have to take lil cover off back of killers generator, spray some electric cleaner in there, and hold a stick of commutator cleaner against it while its running to get ole killer up and ginning again. The power steering pump runs off back of generator and leaks just a lil oil inside generator, making a real mess of commutator and brushes. I dont have no idee where to find seal for that lil pump. Today, none of that would cure Killer. Guess its bout time to jerk it outta there and give it a really good cleaning, new brushes, and a good grousing. I really like to see my amp meter leaning to the right when Im hammering on Killer. I dont much like charging batteries either. Gonna have to investigate this phenomenum tommorrow,,,,,randyp
  10. heh heh,,,looks like Bill did leave her with that permanent pucker. He musta been small built, she dont got much pucker,,,,randyp
  11. He was cruising the internet, looking for a good nipple tweaking,,,,randyp
  12. Would dig in and slobber all over it,,,,randyp
  13. Goood gosh o mighty, just what were you looking for when you stumbled on that,,,uh,,,huh, thas what I would say too,,,randyp
  14. Seems to me yall have come up with all kinds of new ways for me to get hurt. But, I guess i would be getting hurt more "efficiently". randyp
  15. Ifn I was a betting man, and was to make a bet, Im figuring shes prolly sporting on o them "outties". Cameltoe prolly looks like a big mac stood on side. randyp
  16. I am putting Green Dash on my legal team,,,,,randyp
  17. heh heh heh heh heh heh heh ,,,randypee
  18. Heh heh,,reminds me of a lil story from early mining days. I started in mines driving coal hauler. We dumped at a crusher, they put up a sign for us to double check dump doors when leaving hopper. I always stopped at sign when i had to piss, if I stood on truck catwalk I could arc a good stream down all over sign. This went on for a long time, and I watch sign slowly corrode and rust badly. Musta been bout a year or so after i began this regimen, sign was almost illegible, went in to work swing shift one day, my truck was down, there was a brand new "check dump door" sign in foremans office. Foreman told me to go take old sign down and put up new one,,,sheeit, what goes round, comes round. randyp
  19. Yall is all gone bonkers! Spot cant drive, I dont drink coffee, That particular B doesnt have intake stack, the mirror got drug off on a limb, and I aint never hired no scraper driver, it is quite an amusing repertoire though,,,randyp
  20. Similar to my buzzard run-in with the ford pinto. Its not a fun moment,,,,,randyp
  21. See how serious it can be when someone is "withdrawn?" randyp
  22. I dont get it, dont think Rowdy did either,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,randyp
  23. Would put a visor and summa them "trash can" stacks on Killer, might exceed pulling and weight limits though,,,randyp
  24. I got it! I got it!,,,,The Veterinarian! I like the super slab idea too Rob. I wonder how that would look down hallway of my house? I needs to get Mack to move all their ops to Texas, I agree with Hat, would be there every day,,,,,,randyp
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