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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Olive, i pologize for not checking on that tractor yet, just been super busy, will get on that though,,sorry,,,randyp
  2. Waukesha has been round a long time. My dad told me their heyday was really in the oil fields. They do have a sound all their own,,,kinda like my wife,,,,,,,,,randyp
  3. When I first started in strip mine many years ago, all our dewatering pumps had big 6 cylinder waukesha diesels on them. I swear they were the tuffest engines I have ever seen. I stepped out on a barge pump one night, engine was running, but sounded kinda different, got to looking with my flashlight and it had a baseball sized chunk of engine block knocked out of it, oil splashing out, could see part of crankcase spinning, son of a gun still bellering with flame coming out of stack. I dont know how much longer it would have run, but it was still "balls to the wall" and pumping water,,,tough engines! randyp
  4. Dern Rob, You must not coulda sleep either! I bought me 40 acres of land yesterday, too excited to sleep, honey pie gonna get her a new house and Im finally gonna get shop of my dreams! No more laying out on ground in all kinds of weather! randyp
  5. Not sure why I wound up with 2 posts, must be cause its 4:am.
  6. You are quite welcome for mud flap chick green dish, and yes Rob, i think you will like cab air ride. You get everything tuned right on it, not too squishy and not too firm, and it gives very comfortable ride, makes a long day seem shorter, even affects shifting. I think the main reason I broke first leveling valve was because wore out ass shocks were letting it drop too low when it was shut offf and had no air pressure, hence overextending leveling valve down and snapped it off. I didnt think $55.00 apiece was too bad a price either for shocks. Rob, Im not a paint person, but regardless of bed color i decide, what type of paint do i need to buy? I will prolly use air compressor and spray gun. What would be a good durable type or brand of paint? thanks,,,randyp
  7. Yeah, when i bought that truck, both bags were out and get this,,,previous owner, instead of replacing them, had welded a brace under cab to hold it up, you can imagine the ride that was giving. I immediately removed brace and replaced bags, but didnt replace shocks then, I should have. I had a pretty good rassling match with that leveling valve several times, but those new shocks made such a difference,,,well,,pardon pun, its just shocking. randyp
  8. I put new air bags under my 86 dump truck a good while back, didnt adjust control right first time and wound up breaking control and having to buy a new one. I adjusted it better this time, but still too bouncy to my liking. I took it to my kinfolks truck repair shop and asked him if he could tighten it up. He took one look at it, yanked down on cab coupla times and said cab shocks were shot. I kinda doubted it but took off for Mack place anyway and bought both shocks, 55.00 apiece. I took them back and he put them on and all i can say is,,,,Dammit, That truck rides like a dream now!!!!!! I just didnt think those 2 lil ole shocks could affect ride all that much, but they did. He said in his opinion the ones he took off were the originals. They were beyond wore out. Im old but I guess Im still living and learning,,,,randyp
  9. Great looking lads! randyp
  10. When I was a kid, there was an old man round town here who had a big Michigan rubber tired dozer. He coudnt trailer it, just drove it all over the place doing dirt work for people. It had a detroit engine with twin stacks and you coould hear him coming several miles away. It was old then. He ran it like that several years, just driving around doing all kinds of odd and end dirt work, even saw him going right through middle of downtown several times. The blade was super wide and he had to be careful and dodge all kinds of stuff with it. This day in time, they prolly would put him in jail for that now. He is still alive, in his late 90's. Bout 2 years ago, his wife died, they both still lived at home, poor old man couldnt afford to bury her, just boosted an old backhoe he had sitting out in his pasture and went out back on a hill on his farm and dug a hole and buried her himself. He did it before anybody knew what he was doing. A lot of people found out about it and offered to pay for exhumation and buy a coffin and plot and help him but he wouldnt have it any other way. Needless to say, he was super "old school". I like those old loaders of all kinds, but they can sure turn out to be money pits. I ran a cat 992 a lot in strip mine, dern thing was like driving a house! randyp
  11. randyp

    For randyp:

    Its Robs gorilla that will never be the same now. I noticed all those were single engine too, thas even worse,,,,randyp
  12. randyp


    heh heh,,ats a good un,,,randyp
  13. randyp

    For randyp:

    All them dern scrapers lined up would be a good practice target for one them giant "MOAB"s,,,(Mother of all Bombs). randyp
  14. randyp

    For randyp:

    Thas just cruel, cruel, brutal, not nice,,,I gotta go find my antacid pills, nerve pills, oxycodone, percodan, itch medicine, heart medicine, vicadin,,,guess when I down all that, will take a viagra,(double dose), not wear my donut and finish your dern gorilla once and for all. randyp
  15. "Momma" is prolly gonna break the testicle jar open and cut whats left of them in half,,,,randyp
  16. I had to go to Longview again today and stopped by that Mack again. He didnt member me from first time and priced it at 6500.00. I told him that was way too much and was looking for a friend who may be interested. He finally said his bottom dollar would be 4500.00. It has a lot of rust in floor pans and other places, serious rusted out spots. He did say it would run, but smokes cause of old fuel,,uh huh,,heard that story before,,,old fuel,,sure. Its a 1953 model, nonturbo 673 with a triplex. Super heavy rear ends. Lots of work to do on it, still like it though. He does have an articulated offroad dump truck I may deal with him on, its a Moxy with a scania engine, very low hours. Most likely has old fuel in it also,,,LOL,,,,randyp
  17. Well now thas just not a bad ideer! randyp
  18. Before i retired from the coal mines, they had hired a few new young employees. I went in bathroom after work one day, several were in there washing up and i went over to one of several urinals lined up and started taking care of bidness. The guy in next urinal was new employee, so as i started peeing, i looked over at him and asked him,,"Why is your stream making more noise than my stream?" He just looked confused and said, "I dont know". I said ,,heh heh,,"Yours must have farther to fall than mine, mines almost under water anyway". I dont guess I will ever forget the look on his face. I shoulda not retired and stayed to break them newbies in,,,,randyp
  19. Me and honey pie went out to eat messican food sat. night, came home, went to bed, and both woke up puking at same time. Stayed sick all night and all day sat. and most of sunday. We were puking and squirting out other end. i think we got a bad "enchilada". I wont be going back in that place, that was rough! randyp
  20. I like them LR's,,,my kinda truck! I could get some lagoon sludge in them babies! Be a lot of fun when I got them socked down to the frames too! randyp
  21. Heh, i wil make your gorilla pay for that picture Rob! randyp
  22. That would be black with twinkling white, red, and blue strobe lights Hat. I would also have to install a laptop in the console to print out all my "infractions" and "shortfallings". (and develop a liking for donuts) randyp
  23. Thanks for all input,,,dernit, but dont that yeller bed look good on that yeller "B"! Killer is blue with rusty spots, guess I oughta leave out the rusty spots if i paint dump beds that color though. I hadnt thought of silver Rob, i have seen some around here that color. I wonder if theres a certain color that DOT picks on the most? We ought do a study on that! Maybe a "light hospital mauve" would soothe the savage DOT. randyp
  24. Okee Dokee now, it may be survey time. I have seen red dump beds, green, blue, brown. One of mine is red, other is mostly primer red, both trucks are white. Imo gonna repaint both beds this summer, what would be you mackanian afficianados favorite color for a dump bed or what would be most appropiate? You will receive no compensation for your opinion, just wondering. Hate to admit this, kinda wondering what "safety yellow" would look like. I may be a lil partial to trying yellow, just cause havent ever seen any yellow ones. Dont hold back, les hear it. And dont be saying yellow sounds "gay",,,just say wether you like it or not and your color preference,,,thank you in advance,,,sincerely, your mackamotoring friend,,,randyp
  25. Those are not Denmarkian species, they are amazonian. You cannot fool me Tom, I wrote the book on stuff that stinks and its origins. Better luck next time,,,,randyp
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