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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Thanks for all input, gonna ponder all day, thanks for that option Jay, if happens, would rather it go your way, then wouldnt have to witness hands "ravishing" my shifters right in front of me, I know it would have a good home. Gonna go dig and ponder,,,thanks all,,,randyp
  2. Good Luck,,,,,,,,,,randyp
  3. Pintle would move what I have, Hitachi 120 excavator, and Komatsu D-41 dozer. I use lil motor grader sometimes, it would move it, most times I just road it though. I use JD rubber tire backhoe that I road most of time also. It would streamline things, but still gonna ponder a while, sure would miss Killer. It is so dern easy to drive up on that loboy too and easier to back up. I hates decisions,,,randyp
  4. Sir, I remove my hat and proudly salute your uncle! A salute just does not seem like enough. I am speechless. Outstanding! Dern country needs more dedicated and proud and responsible people like him! Thas just amazing! randyp
  5. I hates decision making like this. I been studying on when I get loboy paid off, wich isnt too long off, bout getting a pintle hitch trailer to pull with dump truck. Both dump trucks already have hitches. Killer has never had a bad day yet, always up and ready to make a move, but no doubt is aging. Pintle would move my stuff, no doubt faster than Killer. A fellow dirt competitor has asked me bout buying Killer 3 or 4 times this past year. I always just said no, but dammit, he has put bug in my ear! Today he stopped by where i was working and made a hell of an offer for Killer and loboy. Gonna have to think bout this, dont know if i could stand it. It would be one less truck to insure and register, but moving without Killer wouldnt be fun. Gonna have to ponder,,,,dammit,,,,randyp
  6. That truck i just bought, i ran into a really screwed up taillight wiring nightmare! It began when i didnt think i would need backup lights on going down road in middle of day. I got to delving into it, sheeeeit,,,what were these morons thinking? LOL randyp
  7. randyp


    My feelings are getting hurt thinking Rhasler would even consider putting the evil dollar ahead of conversing with me,,,randyp
  8. Im ready for warm weather myself, bout ready to put my halter top back on,,,,randyp
  9. Heh heh,,,sounds like he bought into a real "quandary" Rob. I cant imagine how it wound up getting rigged up like that. Congratulations though Rob, sounds like you had your detective skills in high range, good work! Even with all working, those low air buzzers and pressure switches can be pesky lil rascals,,,,,,randyp
  10. randyp


    Rhasler,,,Rhasler,,,come in buddy,,,where is you? You aint buried in a snow drift are you? Its bout time I heard summa your wit and bantor Mister, not to mention expert mechanical knowledge. Git back here or Im turning dogs out! randyp
  11. I woulda broke me off a broom handle and bent that lil foul mouthed hussie over my knee, and then used it on summa them others heads,,,,,,most likely woulda got it used on me fore was over with though, guessn better mind own bidness,,,,,randyp
  12. randyp


    The gorilla is pretty handy at lifting heavy stuff, not to mention what happens when she bends to lift it,,,,,randyp
  13. Sorry to hear bout your mechanical shortfallings, hope all gets mended well, quit tearing shit up and get rolling,,,heh heh,,,,randyp
  14. No, too big to put proper pressure on,,,,to achieve,,,maximum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,velocity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,randyp
  15. All it needs is a dump bed,,,nice truck! randyp
  16. I doubt it, prolly a "Monica Lewinsky" lurking in your past somewhere, just waiting to surface,,,heh heh,,,,randyp
  17. Congratulations! I wont be needing any SCRAPER hauling services though, lessen it was to tote one to the scrapyard,,,,randyp
  18. Yep Rowdy, thas the one and only to have! The first coupla times i used mine, had a lil trouble re-priming when i changed tubes but finally figured out to not screw head all way on before pushing plunger down, now it doesnt get airlocked anymore. i really like mine and dont miss "hand cramps",,,,well,,,least not caused by grease gun anyway,,,,,randyp
  19. I bought me one those handy dandy Lincoln air operated grease guns, simplifies things and speeds it up,,,,randyp
  20. If you dont find anything, prolly wont, just have to get your coveralls on and crawl all up under there and check all the obvious wear places looking for fittings,,,i.e...drivelines, balljoints, slipjoints. There usually is a grease fitting on the water pump also. It will be in all the obvious places any other truck would have. A lot of water trucks even have centralized greasing points with 5 or 6 together. Hope this helps,,,,randyp
  21. Am gathering up a few pics, but computer and printer and photo program are not getting along with each other at this moment, one not knowing the other exists or sumpin, will try again later. Dam computers, printers, scanners, and scrapers,,,,randyp
  22. Well, i will have to give a scraper one good point. Working the night shift, pull into a dark corner of pit, tilt steering wheel forward, raise air ride seat to top, feet in windshield, legs on steering wheel, its the perfect recliner. Engine making a nice soft idle, yes, scrapers are okay till you put them in gear. randyp
  23. heh heh,,,Dern you and your scraper thread Timothy,,,randyp
  24. And also whilst on this subject, reminds me of a time in my early coal mining days, when i was chosen as a "guinea pig" on the lead scraper to lower a rather large B&E coal shovel down a steep ramp to the pit floor. They were gonna walk shovel down ramp, it being electric and trailing cable down side of it, were worried bout shovel losing power and in that millisecond before brakes set, picking up too much momentum and running thru brakes and crashing into pit wall on other side. We hooked 4 scrapers behind it, I was in lead scraper hooked to shovel, and were all told to lighlty drag pans and be ready to bury them if a runaway happened. Bullshit, glad it didnt runaway cause left track on shovel alone vastly outweighed all of us put together. Shovel stood bout 3 stories high. I aged a lot in that lil walk down ramp. randyp
  25. The onlyiest thing I can give to a scrapers credit, is they will pull anything out or anywhere long as they got traction. The ones I am most familiar with are the double barreled or twin engine. They have the weight and horsepower. We used to hook 2 or 3 together in a "train" to drag dragline buckets on a skid or pull a stuck shovel out or up a steep ramp. Just lay your throttle foot cross both pedals and "stand on it". I always got a kick out of watching a first time scraper driver get to the end of his cut and try to turn out without letting up off rear engine throttle,,,heh heh,,,look of panic on their face was priceless. randyp
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