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Everything posted by randyp

  1. thanks Paul,,,randyp
  2. Hi James, They both got them silly looking humpback camelback ground hugging upside down punkin hanging 38,000 lb. earth shaking finest offroad butts ever made wouldnt have nothing else (specially air bags) spring tensioning torqued up rear ends. I dont know any ratios. I got 8 new tires on way for 80 model so i can match it up good and dont parch any peanuts. There is nothing worse than the smell of parched Mack power divider peanuts in the evening, not to mention all the herking and jerking that will precede it. Mack never runs a discount sale on power divider parts. randyp
  3. randyp

    job loss

    heh heh,,,guilty as charged, hang em,,,randyp
  4. Yes, gonna put a driver in it for regular dirt and flexbase deliveries, whilst me and other one stay buried up to our ass in pond bacterial scum and dairy lagoon shit. I bout to start another rather lengthy fill in coupla weeks so will run them both on it. I am tempted to not work today and go get truck and tinker on it,,,but,,,financially i best get my goofy ass back to work, yall all have a safe day,,,,randyp
  5. randyp

    job loss

    WOOF WOOF. For some reason, always been kinda partial to doggy style. Uh,,,heh heh,,well,,,now thats with me on top fellas, dont get any silly ideas! LOL randyp
  6. randyp

    job loss

    No joke here, really, ifn im lieing, im dieing, the gospel,,,when i was a young lad, I used to go in barn and get me 3 or 5 gravy train dog pellets and eat them. I liked them, they were good! I play a while and go get me a crunchy snack or 3 or 4 more. Dont guess they hurt me,,,physically anyway, cant say much bout my mental state,,,,randyp
  7. randyp

    job loss

    Amen brother David, you go dude! randyp
  8. The 285 has the charge air cooler mounted on left side on top of engine Rob, looks like a lot different plumbing than the 300. randyp
  9. If Im just doodling dirt off road on site, not getting on highway, poor ole girl gets the shit loaded outta every time. On highway, i be sure and stay water level with sides and close tarp or the gestapo in black Tahoe full of christmas lights will make a strafing run on me. I do understand their job though, lotta liability on road and I dam sure dont wanna hurt anybody. randyp
  10. recent one is an 80, other loaded one is 86. 86 is a 9 speed with a 300. The 80 has a ,,,,285? Does that sound right? I think its 285 anyway, think thats what engine tag said. randyp
  11. randyp

    job loss

    heh heh, I think I may know what you were thinking Mark,,,LOL,,,randyp
  12. Thanks all, heres her sister, shes a tough, hard worker,,,randyp
  13. heh heh heh,,,You illeenois farm boys aint right,,,LOL,,,where u come up with this shit? Keep it coming, i likes it!,,,,randyp
  14. randyp


    That is a good looking truck, cepting all that gay shit. It was getting out of my budget anyway, so I finally just bought other one i been haggling over. I would have hated to load shit and pond scum in the ebay one anyhow. It didnt look like it would enjoy "Dairy lagoon duty". LOL....randyp
  15. randyp


    No David, I really didnt think I would. we are officially "droughtless" now. randyp
  16. Bed needs good coat of paint and truck needs a good servicing
  17. I finally bought nudder dump truck today, been haggling with owner a while. It will be a good sister truck to other one, they actually bout identical. Its a 1980 with a 2 stick 6 speed, bout 239,000 miles. Motor sounds really good and stout. Gonna have to replace all tandem tires, already knew that so I think I got it at reasonable price. Its been sitting 2 years and hasnt been registered since 2005. Wish me luck, I may need it,,,,randyp
  18. randyp

    job loss

    Shit just happens sometimes,,,randyp
  19. randyp

    job loss

    Bout half a gallon of vinegar mixed with tabasco,,,,randyp
  20. randyp

    job loss

    I dont bleeve in "twinkies" and all dat fast food shit anyway. I get up at 4am every day, bench press and squat 700 pounds a coupla dozen times, run 35 miles, do 400 pushups, eat a bowl of oak tree bark mixed with range cubes, saunter out in pasture, get bull by horns and flip him a coupla times, by that time its 4:30am, so I shower, wake "sweetie pie" and give her a thrill for bout 2.5 seconds and head off to dig dirt. Now thats how I keep my boyish figure. randyp
  21. randyp


    No, talked to them, they acting kinda hardheaded, still pondering. You got me too turned on to this ebay mack now, hope he contacts me pretty quick. randyp
  22. randyp


    heh heh,,,thanks Rob, found it and sent him a message. Its still too wet here and I would look at it today if he gets back with me. thanks friend,,,,randyp
  23. randyp


    Hey rob, yeah, i just went and signed up on ebay. I did learn there that reserve is minimum price acceptable and is kept hidden from bidders. I dont think info on sellers is available, not sure, but would like a phone number or adress. I would go look at it today definitely. Looks like a well cared for truck. thanks,,,randyp
  24. randyp


    Thanks Rob, am a gonna have to check in to that. I have never dealt with ebay, have bought from iron planet before. it says reserve is 24,500, does that mean it wont go for less than that? I may turn me a bid on that, like it cepting the gangster cover over windshield is gonna have to go. Thats a clean looking truck! Its bout 70 miles from me,,thanks,,randyp
  25. randyp


    Happy belated boithday from Texas you ornery joisey kid,,sorry am so late,,have a good one,,,randypee
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