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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Dont have much need for a snowblower round here, wish they would invent sumpin to blow red dirt though, then pile it and smooth it and pack it. I remember as a kid, always looked forward to the new Sears and Roebuck catalog, specially the Christmas edition. I guess my first shot at porn was the Bra section. Ah, good times! randyp
  2. Okay, many thanks gentlemens,,,,randyp
  3. Fellow Mackanians, please enlighten or correct me if Im wrong. but is it possible to tell by model or VIN number if a truck is a converted road tractor or a dedicated original dump truck? Is there something bout the last 2 letters? For example R688ST or R688S? Im just curious. My 86 is a R686ST, and am looking at buying another that is also a ST. Input greatly appreciated,,,thanks,,,randyp
  4. Thanks Mark, i know what you mean bout the "patience" thing. i am same way, wife says Im getting "senile". i ought not be that way, but we are loaded up with Panchos round here, cheap labor, but shoddy work and dumbass work goes along with that cheap labor. Am bout fed up with that crap! randyp
  5. I had me one them there Tom, back then. It was a road eating chick magnet. i drove it several years and wound up trading it for a Ford pulpwood truck and an old pickup,,,traded even. I have done some really stupid shit in my time, that prolly took the cake on stupid shit. I did make more money with the pulpwood truck, but never found any chicks who wanted to ride in truck. randyp
  6. And also and heretofore Rob, If I get old mack, gonna take it to Dump Mfg. in Talco first thing and let them remove all that homemade dump control shit and put in a nice new factory control unit with air controled PTO, all mounted in nice new pedestal in floor. Guess i took your advice,,,,,randyp
  7. heh heh Hatcity,,,on a sidenote,,,wadded handy dandy manual thumb i put on excavator last summer. i locked it down in working position this week to load some concrete chunks i busted up, way overloaded it and just really peeled it nearly plum off boom. i didnt hurt boom any, but made messs out of base plate of thumb, just peeled it back from boom. im gonna arc it off and put lil heavier plate under it and start over. I knew i was stressing it ,,,but,,,oh well,,,shit happens. A thumb has to know its limitations. randyp
  8. Thanks for welcome back friends, hated to lay out so long, but been pulling some long days. I WILL know sumpin definitely on that other ole Mack Monday Rob. He did call me other day and said he would take 7. i told him no, 5 is my offer, and i was looking at a newer one anyway. He stammered around and said he would think bout it, for me to wait till least Monday to move on another one and he would let me know for sure Monday. im bout through with fill anyway, so if i do buy his, will have a lil time to bring it home and whip it into shape. That would be good, i hate to mechanic in a big hurry anyway. i think i could make it into a clean lil dependable working rig. im kinda partial to those ole r's anyway. Hope all had really good holidays and all make a million dollars this new year and be safe. randyp
  9. Spent the whole day yesterday, took a day off from the big fill haul to doctor on ole r a while. Its been getting the shit worked out of it. The last oil change I took it to truck lube center, dam dumbass "wetback minimim wage asshole" working there bout gave me a heart attack. i had to watch him like a hawk. While back i bought me a oil change buggy to start doing that shit myself my way, the right safe way. Changed oil, fuel filters, greased, etc. I never in my life saw oil filters so freaking tight. Wound up having to drive screwdriver through filters to get them off, I dont know what the hell pablo torqed them sumbitches on with, prolly didnt lube rubber ring either. He wasnt gonna prefill filters either till i gnawed parta summa his ass off either. Anyway, all is well now and its ready to go back to work Monday. Ifn you want things done right, gotta do it yourself,,,randyp
  10. I dont really thunk its the Dodge brand i like so much,,,its that awsome ass torque belching Cummins under the hood i admire. its a torque factory! randyp
  11. Congrats Rowdy, way to go!! I should menton though, i always carry a .38 special in my boot for those times they cut my card off. Knock off 2 or 3 likker stores and Im back on road again. randyp
  12. Happy Bithday Kenny! randyp
  13. I will be there ifn I can just get the compressor vanes straightened out on engine on my Leer jet. Injested a buzzard the other day. i will shove it in barn and work on it today. Thanks for invite, go ahead and order chicken fried steak for me and a leg bone for Spot. randyp
  14. LOL
  15. Merry Christmas to all,,,,,randyp
  16. 1980, 2 stick 6 speed
  17. Heres a pic of Spots offspring. I dont think hes gonna grow big enough to slaughter hogs though. He has the heart, just lacks the ass. Hes a keeper though. Think I will keep him in truck on sidelines. Also a pic of mack i had bid on, hasnt worked out yet though,,,,,All have a Merry safe Christmas,,,randyp
  18. heh heh,,we just go in circles here sometimes, preciate all info,,,randyp
  19. heh heh, Last one sounded like Bob from "enlargement" commercials,,,randyp
  20. Id like to have me that lil crawler for when wife wants me to do flower beds! randyp
  21. Cool! Now quit sitting round and get out there and build some air up or sumpin, bang some tools round, hook some impacts to it and annoy the neighbors. Whut brand did you get? Norhtern Tool? Onliest bad thing bout having mobile air, all kin and in laws asking "Can you come air my tire up?" randyp
  22. Tom, tell Tom, this is prolly the new unleaded Ether, how many of you are there this week? randyp
  23. Glad that had a happy ending, good work! randyp
  24. Given my history of "If it can go wrong, and hurt me, it prolly will" i dont think Im gonna being trying any of that bidness,,,randyp
  25. I am not sure if there is a "rod" large enough to fill that "crack" though. randyp
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