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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I told you
  2. Alright you big dumb stupid pine tree, this area is slated for future industrial growth, which means, this place gotta look like a "Walmart" parking lot. Your time is up,,(I think) Dr. randyp,,,tree surgeon
  3. Thanks GG, will look into that,,,thats a lot of hours! randyp
  4. Gonna bite the bullet and load it up Friday and haul it to our local track service shop and at least get new pins, bushing and sprockets, just that much is 3 grand. Friend of mine owns the place and said he would give it a good evaluation but thought I would prolly be ok with at least that. If not, the whole shebang, rollers, new chains, idlers, complete replacement runs 8 grand. woof! Oh well, it is what it is. randyp (the p stands for poorer now)
  5. I agree, They never seem to come off on a nice clean level dry spot with an overhead crane and maybe a Burger King next door. I had the brush grapple on the bobcat and it came in super handy, course excavator was priceless also,,weather just sucked. randyp
  6. Thank you very much my friend, we are so blessed to have him. randyp
  7. That is nothing short of super cool GG!!! I want one! randyPPPPPPPP
  8. Thank you very much my friend, that means a lot. randyp
  9. Well hell,,now you tell me Bob! You could have called me this morning and said,,(Go Home Now randy, used to be a p,,,,LOL
  10. I had a good helper, we stayed on the same page and still got all our fingers and toes,,tracks can be deadly randy----(lil p)
  11. Thanks, you are right bout that! randy---(three fourths back to a p)
  12. Thank you Mark!! You always see the good side of things! Now I feel better, not any less sore or greasier,,,but better! randy---(half a p, but coming back)
  13. Yeah GG, I told you I lost my "Pro" status, I wadded that thumb up a while back, loading cement slabs. I gotta repair it, using lil heavier steel, or find some lighter cement (and I don't look for that to happen). I actually was being pretty careful with it, and then got stupid (or stupider) and boomed stick boom out just a lil too far with a really big chunk. I bleeeve its called "Surpassing the structural integrity". I really miss it, gotta fix it, handier than horns on a goat,,oops,,did I say that? randy----(sniff,,,I miss my p)
  14. Thanks, I just be glad when spring gets here,,,randy
  15. Long story short, 4 and half hours later, ass froze off, 6 inch stream of snot hanging out my nose, with aid of bobcat, excavator, smaller komatsu dozer, various assortment of chains and binders, and some of the ugliest words ever to come out my head,,,I won! randy (notice I left the P off of my name this time)
  16. I nearly just went home, but decided to launch an attack on it, think I toted everything in my truck down there. I picked ass end up with excavator and cut a stump and put under it, and the battle began
  17. Cousin Other Dog says the P in my name stands for "Professional". I may have let him down today. 28 degrees this morning, freezing rain, occasional sleet, wind, etc, and I decide to bottle ass off to a Siberian mud bog on dozer and manage to sling a track. I don't even know why I was out there today.
  18. Thank you, His name is Daniel, and if you saw a picture of his daddy at Daniels age, 13, now, you would think they were twins. It plays with my mind sometimes. Sometimes at baseball or football games, or at things he just says or does around the house, I feel like I have gone back in time. Every now and then I accidentally call him by his daddys name, Lance. He just looks at me and grins. Thank you and all above, I ran outta likes today, Lots of good people on here to like! randyp
  19. Thank you all very much, and to all you that are veterans or have veteran family members, thank you. I miss my son very much, but having my grandson is such a blessing and helps me cope. You are all such wonderful friends,,thank you, randyp
  20. stout as a bull!!
  21. This is my football playing superstar getting a lil off season training in today after church. He loves splitting wood and is pretty dern good at it, has been doing it since he was big enough to pick up a splitting maul. He has been living with us since he was bout 2, his mother died then. His father, my son, was with the first wave entering Iraq in 2003, was severely wounded and died here at home from injuries in 2007, don't know how he lived 4 years the shape he was in, but he was a strong young man too. Grandson asked me bout 3 years ago if he could call me Dad instead of poppa, told him that was fine by me. I always introduce him as my son, cause that's what I consider him. Hes a fine young man, honor student, super athlete, all around good young man. He has his heart set on playing for University of Texas and then swears hes gonna play in the NFL. Hes in the 8th grade this year. He has done a lil dozer training also, pretty good at that too! randyp
  22. you are welcomely welcomed!! Nice truck! randyp
  23. oops,,sorry, I had that backwards, I got the control button set so the left lever is steer and direction and right lever is up, down, tilt, etc, I think salesman said that was call the H Pattern? I don't remember,,randyp
  24. That Confucius fellow prolly never had a "real" job anyway, He had a lotta time to sit around and think I guess. He musta been a pretty fart smeller,,,smart feller anyway.----?----randyp 2-9-14
  25. Maybe you just weren't pulling hard enough of the dump lever, I cant bleeve a dispatcher would lie. Just pull harder, take off while its up and hit 7 or 9 big bumps. Dammit young'un, am I going have to come up there and show you how to dump? (and pull power lines down?) sheeit,,,randyp
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