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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Not sure,,,they may call those "wet dreams" Tom,,,,,,randyp
  2. Outstanding! The wide open spaces of Texas would be better suited to a V8 engine tone, you best let me babysit it for you down here,,,,,randyp
  3. Awright, well, okay den, dern your sorry hides, yous gonna get us all in hot water agin. Les keep it clean, brag on obammy, kiss some babies, talk bout something mechanical, discuss inner workings of a turbo,,,etc. Other tom Dog, u wascally wabbit, u aint going nowheres, dust that camera off, and get busy. Cousin Rob, gut it up and get ready to get insulted or sumpin. other than all that, all have a good weekend,,,,,,randyp
  4. randyp

    Mad Snake

    How did you know? randyp
  5. Whoa! Thas a good looking truck! randyp
  6. randyp

    Mad Snake

    heh heh,,,yeah,,,i am a fast learner. i did talk to Mr. Snake, but wont divulge anything, sorta that counselor-client privacy thing. randyp
  7. randyp

    Mad Snake

    We have had several cool nights now in mid 30s, pushed an old stump up today, and this came out kinda stiff at first, warmed a lil then got all pissed cause I woke him up. Just a chicken snake lil over 5 feet, didnt kill him, just relocated. I realize this has nothing to do with trucks or mechanical thingys, but is posted in ODDS AND ENDS, so,,,,,,,,,nanna nanna boo boo heh heh,,,,,,randypee
  8. I busted off 6 or 7 rounds today at a running coyote, I dont think i hit him, but I dam sure made him kick the afterburner in,,,I was slinging .308 rounds at him out of a semi-auto, I still bet they was whistling close,,,,randyp
  9. Truck it on down here to Texas and get in summa this pond slop with me,,,,randyp
  10. I also dont like I-6011 from L.A. to Hawaii,,,,just full of crests and breakers,,,heh heh,,I know,,I aint right,,sorry,,randyppppp
  11. I gree with Rob, Arkansas highways suck, like Hillary,,,,,randyp
  12. Pick a job you like and you will never work a day in your life,,,,,not my quote, but i like it,,,,randyp
  13. Or,,,Peterbilt makes it, Caterpillar shakes it, Mack tows it,,,,,oh boy, think Im on a roll now,,,,randyp
  14. Peterbilt makes it, Caterpillar shakes it,,,,,,,to pieces randyp
  15. heh heh,,,yeah,,paint stripes on the frame too with a couple antennaes sticking out of hood. randyp
  16. Your welcome, will get info and pics this week. randyp
  17. heh heh,,Tom,,,kinda loooks like he may be choking on a hair ball, or maybe bovine bone,,,randyp
  18. Hey Mike, funny you should mention that cow! I was back over there this week to do some work on nuther pond, walked over to cow, coyotes and buzzards have pretty much tore it apart, nothing left but maybe some bones to boil and they have been chewed up pretty good. As I was approaching cow, a Bald Eagle flew up from it! I had camera in pocket,,heh heh how bout that Other Dog,,,camera in pocket!!!!! Anyways, i got a quick pic of it in flight, not a good one, have to zoom pic in and kinda blury then. I will be back over there this week, am gonna watch for it and get a better pic. No all you doubters, I KNOW a Bald Eagle from a buzzard!! I am a self trained Bird Man, can even fly a lil bit with the right medication,,,,,randyp
  19. Will get a pic of it also when I go over there,,,randyp
  20. I dont know your location Brian, but there is one not far from me here in Texas, pretty sure they would sell it, will check on it this week,,,,randyp
  21. Welcome, I like yeller trucks. If I ever repaint Killer, gonna paint it yeller, and leave fenders black. Good Luck with your project,,,randyp
  22. I dont think I could be offended by anything political, racial, or porno or whatever. i dont think i ever really been offended in my life, i just get pissed if i think I am being used or made fun of, dont recall that ever happening though. i must have really thick skin. I wont much tolerate any abusive talk of military men and women, just doing their job. It aint like Im gonna get mad and not play anymore though, prolly just get really verbally nasty. I dont much care for our current president, thas just my opinion,,,,randyp
  23. Texas here and present, no harm done, no flags, fouls, we still smiling here, all is well, the sun came up, birds are singing and crapping happily, (on my dodge), all have a good day and just love your brother,,,,randyp
  24. I had much the same problem with mine on my R-dump truck Leslie. I bought a universal cable, put it on, it bounced erratically and finally quit. i never messed with it anymore, but i bet you are on right track here. Thanks for posting that info, I ever get some of all this turkey, ham, and pie worked off, May dive into Tach cable again,,,,Muchos Gracias,,,,randyp
  25. That was just "outstanding" schooling there, thanks for posting,,,randyp
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