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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Nice looking ride Rob! My dump truck is an 86, has the air bags under the cab. They were out when i bought it, put new ones under it and didnt adjust them right the first time. That thing bounced so bad and was so squishy, I couldnt even hold on to shifter to shift. I adjusted it so they are pretty stiff now and all goes better. That valve is kinda tricky to get adjusted properly. Good Luck with new project,,,,randyp
  2. Amen to all the above!!!!! randyp
  3. heh heh,,,definitely a texan,,,,randyp
  4. Thanks to all very much. Trey, Daingerfield is bout 60 miles east of Tyler. We go there quite often. No Tom, Spot aint out of a job, this hot weather and all has just made him super lazy. All he wants to do is lay in shade and pant and fart. I dont think it would bother him if a hog laid down beside him now. randyp
  5. Thank You Trey. What part of Texas are you at? Im in northeast texas, Daingerfield......randyp
  6. He just turned 11 in august Mike. His mother died of an anurism in her sleep when he as bout a year old so he came to live with us and my son (his dad) then. His dad was in the army and went to Iraq in 2003, when it first started. He was severely injured there, disabled from it, came home, but died from injuries in 2007, so we adopted grandson, and we all been doing fine since then. Hes a good young man, asked me one day couple of years ago if he could call me Dad instead of papa, I told him I considered him my son, thats fine with me. I dont guess you ever get too old to be a dad to a lil one, am teaching him all i can bout everything, he goes to work a lot with me in summers and we have a real good time. im blessed to have him, and he looks just like his dad did at that age. thanks for asking bout him,,,,,randyp
  7. Yeah David, Hes been shooting that ole 20 since he was just a lil feller, it used to knock him backwards pretty good then. He is really looking forward to squirrel season, thats his favorite hunting, and he is very good at it. I guess he has more patience than me. Randyp
  8. heh heh heh,,,yous joisy guys just aint right,,,LMAO!!!!!!! randyp
  9. nuther one
  10. Grandson got out of school early today. I been finishing up cleaning up an old stopped up spring for a farmer who was running out of water. Its stopped up with lots of mud, timber, slush, leaves, anyway, grandson came out to watch me and stand guard with his trusty 20 gauge. He got 3 big water moccasins while sitting on an old stump watching me, blew all 3 heads pllum off. Hes a pretty good bodyguard,,,,,randyp
  11. U aint gettin none o my gorilla Hat,,,shes all mine. She really loves licking bananas,,,specially mine,,,heh,,,randyp
  12. Thanks Joe, i keep 2 on mine, but will add a couple more. I dont think you can have too many of them myself. Appreciate good advice,,,randyp
  13. I just checked out Pittsburg power, they even had demo sound videos, i bet i be doing bidness with them! I liked the performance shorty they had, priced right too! randyp
  14. Okay thanks slpwlker, i will check into that,,,,thanks,,,,randyp
  15. And on a side note, me and killer have passed 2 DOT inspections, motor running, and they aint said nothing bout exhaust yet,,go figger. I just need it for my own comfort and sanity. randyp
  16. heh heh,,,I know u right Hat! randyp
  17. Ole Killer B has a straight pipe, just bout really tired of too much racket, thinking bout putting a resonator just under the stack. Found a 10 inch one on Iowa 80 that will fit. Yall think that may quiet it down a lil bit? It advertises to lower 3 to 6 dbs. Any lil bit may stop my brain from rattling. Its also adds 21 inches length, so that will get exhaust a lil higher off the cab. Any input? randyp
  18. Hi Mark! Oh, We will get through this. I be doing better if could get my hands round that spamming sumbitching Obama loving queer from Californias neck and watch his eyeballs bulge out,,,,LOL,,,,I need to take up Yoga or needlepoint and relax, i think. Oh well, life goes on,,,and bills do too,,,LOL,,,randyp
  19. heh,,yeah jay, it will sure clean your air filter out, but bout had to clean my pants out too,,,,LOL,,,randyp
  20. Well, I like the gray bottle myself, its actually cetane boost plus added lubrication, but i still add the marvel mystery oil for even more lubing. The marvel oil is an excellent top cylinder lubricant, made to be added to oil or fuel. i used to use 2 cycle oil but switched to the marvel. Dern modern diesel fuel is so low sulphur and dry! Havent had any pump or injector problems yet, knock on wood. randyp
  21. I use power service with cetane boost and mix marvel mystery oil with it for added lubrication,,,,randyp
  22. Yeah, have never seen anything like it, huge trees just explode into giant fireballs when fire just gets a lil close to them, heat is unbelievable! Thanks to all yall,,,,randyp
  23. Heh Heh,,,I like that Greg, thas cool. When you mention running backwards though, I have flashbacks of my old R-model having a spell a few months back and running backwards, that was not an enjoyable moment, sitting loaded on steep hill, lake behind me. I aged a lot that day,,,LOL,,,,randyp
  24. Excellent advice Fxfymn!
  25. Thanks Rob and 220, I will check that out. Its putting quite a bit of oil in wet tank. randyp
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