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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Thanks Mike, There is a tremendous fire going on down around Austin and Bastrop. Its so dry here, stuffs going up like gasoline and wind blowing it everywhere,,,randyp
  2. Thanks David, will do, wind seems a lil less this morning, maybe they can get a handle on it today,,,Thanks,,,randyp
  3. and while your at it, get one of your own loans, get a facelift, and maybe your "boyfriend" will flip you over and screw you from the topside a while. How you like them apples? randyp
  4. short term loans? Did you just run an ad for a "short term loan" for people who have lost homes, possessions, livestock, etc? I see you are from California, Why dont you just keep screwing California in the ground, us Texans will take care of our own fucking selves, you obama loving liberal sumbitch. Spamming bastard, get a freaking life,,,,randyp
  5. Hang in there Rob ole buddy,,,,,,,,,you can do it,,,,randyp
  6. To all you Mack afficianados and purveyors of fine equipment, and not to mention knowledgeable people who have been there and done that,,,,have a mechanical question. Killer B just runs like a top, builds up air super quick, but the wet side of tank gets a lot of engine oil in it after each use. I had developed a leak on side of block where luberfiner bypass filter bolts on with 4 bolts. I took all that off today, (they were all hand loose) cleaned them up, put loctite on them and good lock washers, and seem to have got that slobbering stopped. My question is, all this oil is coming through air compressor collecting in wet tank. It builds air super quick and holds it. Is there maybe one seal that maybe needs replacing rather than replacing or overhauling air compressor? The unit builds air so fast, makes me think rings are okay, maybe just have a main seal out. What you knowledgeable friends think,,any ideas, I havent paid attention to what brand it is. Killer gets hauling duty bout every other day, and is kinda the backbone of all my moving. Input is appreciated,,,Thanks friends,,,,,randyp
  7. Well Gregg, its getting lil tricky around here, we got wind whipping and blowing fires everywhere, upwards of 17,000 acres burned and bout 300 houses gone. They got all they can working on it, even civilians, I volunteered my dozer, have no plow on it, but i can sure cut a good 11 fooot wide ditch with my blade really quick. They gonna let me know something tommorrow, They said I better sure de-leave and trash the belly pans good for I start. This dam wind has it jumping roads and what creeks still have a lil water. Just pray no one gets injured or loses their homes or equipment. Its a mess. Thanks for asking Gregg,,,,,randyp Will try to post some pictures tommorow,,,,,,randyp
  8. heh heh,,,Tom, you need to spend some time here in Texas and get some "color" on them legs,,,I hadda put my shades on. randyp
  9. When I worked in the coal mines.(surface strip mine) we had a retired Euclid hauler bout that size with a big loboy, we used it to move dozers to the shop for maintenance. All roads there were private so wasnt a problem. Before we had that, we used a big flat steel skid and drove dozers on them and drug them to shop with 2 CAT 637 twin engined scrapers hooked together and water truck would usually drive beside and spray water cannon in front of skid to keep heat and dust down. We moved dragline buckets that way also, usually had to add a 3rd scraper for them though It was generally a sight to see. I always tried to be in the lead scraper to stay out of dust and the smell of hot gravel and smoke. Curves were really a bitch though, stuff never would track real straight. randyp
  10. Well, Im glad your day went well Rob, mine was a cluster most of the day. Spent bout 6 hours working on deccelerator linkage on bulldozer, has several places bad on it, replaced a couple of bearings on it, working lil better than it was but will still need more investigating and prolly more bearings in a few other places. Its not a fun, accessable thing to work on, for some reason or other its dirty and greasy down in there,,,,hmmm,,,,,randyp
  11. Welcome back sweetie,,,ooops,,er,,,I mean,,,ahem,,,Mark! Just remember, What happens at "brokeback Mountain", STAYS at brokeback mountain. randyp
  12. Ats hitting the nail on the head you Illinois farmboy, truer advice couldnt be spoken! I keep trying to give summa these yahoos round here advice like that, most dont listen and banks wind up picking their shit up. Heh,,you can bet your ass when I wind up retiring something, there is no life left in it. randyp
  13. Is just my 2 cents Ernie, but that is waaaayyy overpriced in my book! For stage of disassembly you described, that price just seems ridiculous to me. I would sure like to drive a over the road truck with V-12 sometime in my life though. I have driven a lot of different mining trucks with V-12s, and other equipment, but never anything on the road in the real world. There are too many good classic trucks out there running right now cheaper than that, be a good project if he comes down quite a bit on price though,,,just my 2 cents,,,,,,randyp
  14. I thought thats why they made duct tape,,,,randyp
  15. I dont know what hes thinking, thats when he shoulda had the handcuffs ready to slap on. randyp
  16. is plenty nuff for me, im cheap,,,randyp
  17. I want my million, want it now, hurry,,,,randyp
  18. Well, He found his way out of ditch, re-booted computer,,,,,,Hes Back!!!! Cant no hurricane keep him down! randyp
  19. randyp


    Hang in there Thad, hopefully will pass with minimal damage. Keep an eye out for Other Dog floating by in a ditch with camera around his neck. I figure hes got his best "rubbers" on and is prolly playing in a ditch somewhere. randyp
  20. randyp


    All my friends on the east coast, prayers going out to you, Good Luck, batten down the hatches, get the hell out of there! randyp
  21. LOL, I hear you slpwlker, I hate getting it all in my ears. I wear ear plugs for noise so I guess no danger of dust getting to brain,,? me? brain? but gets all in other lil places on my ears, hard to clean up. Most trouble im having now is keeping radiator clean enough to keep engine cool, having to blow it out every day. Its getting a real sandblasting. randyp
  22. I never would figger out how to do any of this on a phone. Rob, my next dozer, if there is one, will have cab and air also. It is so dry here now, and i am in sandy land now, theres time I cant even see the dash, much less the blade. i be glad when fall gets here,,,come on Jack Frost!!! randyp
  23. Read my lips,,,,AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!! randyp
  24. If its as hot there as it is here in Texas Barry, may have to put oil coolers on the servers,,showing 113 here now, dry, barren, no place for the squeamish,,,randyp
  25. ooops,,left out wrong above,,my bad
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