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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Thanks Rob, thats a beautiful sight, if you look at that and your heart dont swell, then must be sumpin with you. Thanks for sharing that,,,randyp
  2. I was already computer ignorant, now am really struggling!! LOL randyp
  3. heh heh,,,Its no wonder my education was cut "short". Theres not even any room on there for a gorilla. randyp
  4. Slpwlker, did you survive the texas heat with no A/C on your trip? I had your number but was super tied up finishing a pond, and sweating like a nasty woman in church. It doesnt even cool off much here at night. randyp
  5. Yeah, They making me drool more than usual Rhasler,,,randyp
  6. Well Hatcity, If im gonna risk life, limb, and virginity to go to arkansas and check it out, then Im gonna have to mark price up quite a bit, that is, if I make it back,,,randyp
  7. Well, I gave you one back, now straighten up and be nice and stay with politics also,,,LOL,,,randyp
  8. Yeah, me too Tom. Mack didnt much give a crap bout aerodynamics then, they said piss on all that, les just build a tuff ass truck. randyp
  9. Yes Commander David, A full report will be forthcoming. I am making preparations as we speak to enter the great land of Arkansas. I have patched hole in my canoe, tuned my banjo, removed my shoes and am in process of growing beard. I still need to go to store and purchase couple cases of "Red Man" chewing tobacco to bribe local arkansian officials and pass out to small children lining roadside. Report to follow and film at eleven,,over and out,,Corp. First Class, ensign, coverted under cover agent randyp
  10. I really like the yeller one, thas my favorite color,,,randyp
  11. heh heh,,no doubt,,ammo for the howitzer,,,randyp
  12. I like it, its not all that far from me, I like it,,,randyp
  13. You can offer all the amenities you want, cepting leave the bear and gorilla out of it. Theys mine,,,randyp
  14. FACE YOUR FEARS THEAKERSTWO! Snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them, and the only good snake is a dead snake! randyp
  16. After i got all hot and bothered and sweaty, me and grandson walked down into dried up creek bed to get out of sun. Normally where im sitting, water would be over my head. Yes, that is my snake charming machete with me. randyp
  17. Well, I started digging a hole today also, and quite unlike cousin Tom, I am here with photogenic proof, actual footage. This man had a small dry pond, am gonna make it a large dry pond. Hot day too,,,randyp
  18. Glad I dont ever complain bout the heat, you wont hear me whining bout the heat, no sir, what heat? Mind control, I took up Yoga,,,nekkid,,,randyp
  19. I dont blame her for getting mad at you for dressing up in her clothes, nice wig too! randyp
  20. I sure wont, she keeps dumping all dem chilluns on me! randyp
  21. Have a Happy 34 Slpwlkr! randyp
  22. If there was smoke coming out from under hood, could be just Tom smoking a pork loin,,,randyp
  23. Dern, Bigen, now thas a class A horror story! Sorry to hear all that happened to you. You were bout 18 miles from me when in Mt. Pleasant. You right, is a hot sumbitch here! randyp
  24. You too quiet mister, you either on vacation or off on a top secret government mission

  25. Rob, You are in the "zone". Things are niether here nor there,,,limbo,,,floating,,,Go to the light Rob, go to the light,,,TWILIGHT ZONE,,,randyp
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