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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Sorry to hear that, doesnt sound good at all,,,,randyp
  2. Yeah Ernie, sorry didnt know you were ailing, hope all goes well. randyp
  3. heh heh,,dont matter how you look at it, musta hurt! randyp
  4. Well anybody that can afford 2 watches and shop at walmart, run round buying whole hogs and sides of beef, and afford to keep a peterbilt in the road, definitely got a bank box loaded with "cat hair". We so economically depressed and down round here, I have to threaten Spot with a shotgun to steal a chewed up ole bovine leg from him. I catch toads in the garage and skewer them with a stick to put on my grill, aint got no butter, have to use 15W-40, (drain just enough outta killer to cook with). randyp
  5. heh, yeah David, thas prolly just his cooking watch too. His other watch is a Rolex. Anybody with a bank number that long, prolly got millions, not even counting his "offshore" accounts. randyp
  6. 81 degrees???? EIGHTY-ONE DEGREES??!!!?? awwwwww!!! That oughta be illegal! 81???? well, will be dipped in doodoo,,by the way, u musta missed a bank number, cant get it to work. As you were,,,randyp
  7. Veddy guud, now then, questions,,,type wood? spices? Why double grates? marinade? outdoor temp? humidity? barometric pressure? wind direction? your bank acct. number? Looks very good and tasty and tender Tom, wish I was there to partake and also guzzle beer and all and everything, would even bring my rented gorilla. congratulations and also and by the way, I didnt make no funs of your "unit" ever, they all did, but i dint, never. enjoy your meal and then get back to work,,,randyp
  8. I eat spam pretty reglar tom, I really like it fried and on a sammich or with fresh peas,,,randyp
  9. Me too Rob,,,randyp
  10. Angelina county or Angelina Texas? randyp
  11. heh heh,,,hatcity,,Her profile lists her as a "male". Might have been wearing some of Other Dogs new fangled cologne, thas why u thought he was a wimmins,,,heh heh,,,randyp
  12. Hello, welcome, glad to hear from a fellow Texan, enjoying the weather? randyp
  13. Killer ruint me, I personally prefer transmissions without air and o rings. I have nine speed in R-model, but dont much like it. Killer is easier to shift than that one,,,randyp
  14. Good Pics Mark! There is a company bout 20 miles from here, sand and gravel company that has been in business bout 50 or 60 years. They probably lease on bout 25 or 30 trucks and move a lot of material. I went to their yard yesterday to pick up a load of inch and half rock for a customer, it was first time I had ever been in that place. I was on the back of property, not visible from highway, and I have never seen such a collection of old rusted trucks of every make and model. Old scrapers, dozers, tractors, macks, whites ,REO, etc,,acres of them with vines and trees growing up through them. Other Dog would chastise me for not having my camera. I went in to pay bill, owners son was in there and I told him from the looks of the back 40 acres, it looked like they still had every piece of equipment they had ever bought. He laughed and said that was pretty much the case. I gotta go back over there with my camera! Film at eleven,,,randyp
  15. If all else fails, just spit on it,,,randyp
  16. No, didnt figure I would get anything on a trade, bought dodge from a private party anyway, just gonna clean and fumigate blackie and sell it,,,randyp
  17. Mine is geared 4.10 slpwker, dont bother me much though, I drive like granpa anyway,,,randyp
  18. heh heh,,,Trey, In this mess we having here now, "used" unit would be very welcome! According to weather channel, texas is bout to get in a even bigger bind for rain, there is nothing in sight,,,its getting tough,,,thanks, randyp
  19. I bought a 2001 dodge 2500SLT 4x4, 6 speed manual, HO cummins 5.9, 135,000 miles. I hope it is good as ole blackie was,,,sure got some good cool air on it,,,randyp
  20. Gonna put ole Blackie out to pasture after 19 years of faithful service, gotta lotta stuff and tools and tanks to drag outta there and put in new,,well,,new to me ride randyp
  21. Hang in there ole buddy, im pulling for you!!! (well,,in case of gorilla, doing a lil pushing too) Stay with it,,,randyp
  22. I am never ceased to be AMAZED at the knowledge trapped in the noggin of that rascally wabbit Rhasler! randyp
  23. Trust me my friend,,,keep your engine turning FORWARD,,less strain on air filter and rain bonnet,,,randyp
  24. well, dern if that dont look serious to me! Sorry to see that, hope you get it fixed quick,,,randyp
  25. Its okay in late evening Hat, when gets in full shade, but till then its in full sun and is a scorcher. Besides that, gorilla really hates the water, and the bear always pisses in it,,,randyp
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