Its rather detailish, but I managed to make the 300 in my 86R dump truck run backwards for bout 30 seconds today. It certainly did blow some dirt and crap and also the rain bonnet off filter housing. My air filter looked like a stack blowing dust and black smoke. I also had no oil pressure during that time, and yes, I may have soiled my panties just a tad. Customer living on lake wanted load of topsoil in backyard between his house and lake. I had to back down very steep incline between 2 houses, mirrors almost touching each house, and I mean VERY steep, with the lake at the bottom of drive. Long story short, I got in a bind, had to try to pull up a bit loaded, knew that was bad idea, but tried anyway, during all this process, did some herky jerking, engine reversed, I knew what was going on but was trying to keep from rolling in lake. I knew I was gonna have to kill it and restart, wasnt sure if brakes would hold, set brake, jumped out, drug a cross tie behind rear wheels, jumped back in and killed it, praying it would restart after all abuse I had just given it. It started, I dumped, and got hell out of dodge! I guess I better check my air filter, prolly blew some holes in it. Friends and fellow Mackanians, it was not a fun day, and no, Detroit is not only engine that will run backwards. I ran it rest of day, oil pressure fine, no knocks, I need a t shirt now that says "I ran a 300 backwards and survived" randyp