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Everything posted by randyp

  1. On the rear wheels, when its parked in one place for a while, watch for 90wt drips inside wheel. Mine had one seal leaking when I bought it, grease wasnt getting on rear drum, but dripping down and getting on inside dual. When I pulled it off to replace, it had a brand new seal in it, but too much roughness to seal, so used a different "sleeve" seal. It may be called a stemco seal. It has held ever since. randyp
  2. heh heh,,,time to market a custom "vibrating" rocket Rob?? We could get rich! randyp
  3. I am in full agreement with you my good joisey friend! we hit 109 here today in the shade, and no relief in sight. I have been curtailing operations here rather early each day, (quitting at lunch,,heh heh). You keep consuming water, and watch for overheating signs. We have had several heat related deaths around here. Its even too hot for "outdoor fornication",,,LOL,,,stay well my friend,,,randyp
  4. LOL,,itll hafta be early morning or late evening,,LOL,,randyp
  5. Thanks Rob, am in full agreement with you on all counts. Am working on getting lil funding lined up and light this AC rocket! Will keep you posted on progress, ifn I dont get burnt to a crisp in this crap first. randyp
  6. As a sidenote Thad, mines not air conditioned, so I schedule my moves for early mornings or late evenings. It can get really brutal in "Killer B'. I have lived here in same spot 57 years and dont remember a drought and heat wave like this. Its 3 pm here now, and I have 3 different thermometers, 2 digital and one mercury, in 3 different places and all are reading 109 right now. we are getting baked alive! randyp
  7. Nice looking "unit" there Thad! really nice! Contrary to where Other Dogs mind stays, by "unit", I mean the truck. You will enjoy that. I have a 61 that I use 2 or 3 times a week, moving excavator, dozer, motor grader. I bought it restored from oldmacks couple of years ago and been a really good reliable truck. I like Dennis, easy to deal with, and will do what he says. congratulations!! randyp
  8. Rob, in my ramblings, found interesting site with interesting UNITS, check out visionaireinc.com. They have units that are either engine driven or hydraulic driven. They have one fully self contained unit, bolts to top of cab, hook up hydraulic lines and 2 wires and start freezing. I dont know height of it, but looks like would cover up whole top of cab. randyp
  9. heh heh,,,geez rob,,never wore shorts? You didnt leave skid marks on seat did you? LOL randyp
  10. Thanks Peterj, appreciate the input, sounds like you have a lot of experience with that. I do know the one thing I want to stay away from is the condenser mounted in front of radiator, that would generate too many engine cooling problems here where I live. Right now, may change mind again later, but prolly gonna go with Red Dot roof mount, and drive compressor off engine, Its sure pricy, but in long run, prolly be cheaper. Thanks for help,,,randyp
  11. heh heh,,I hear you,,,thas too good! randyp
  12. heh heh, I guarantee you my heart was going at highway speed rhasler, you shoulda seen the incline I was sitting on, and that dam drop off behind me into a deep ass lake. I said to myself "Self,,,this is no freaking place to have to kill engine, and Self, you are a grade-A, class 1, professional dumbass for getting into this fiasco". Woman was standing on balcony of house next door, watching me, prolly wondering who that clown is trying to back in lake. heh heh I wanted to yell at her "Lady, quit staring and get your fat ass down here and help me get this sumbitch scotched or something, or hell, call 911, sherrifs office, fire department, Navy seals, hell,,,,DO SOMETHING!!! lol Well, I guess I lived to tear up shit another day,,,,randyp
  13. Thanks 41, will check into that,,,,,randyp
  14. Great googly ding dang dong yabba dabba doodoo poobah wop wop wing ding its hot here,,(those are the nastiest words we have back on star cluster 19.

  15. heh heh heh,,,yous guys is a riot! randyp
  16. I hear you slpwkler, it was a first for me, and a real attention getter,,,randyp
  17. Yeah Hat, gonna change it in the morning, prolly a good idea,,thanks,,randyp
  18. heh heh,,I hear you guys, its definitly not something I want happening every day. I think it was mostly just the bad steep and tight place I was in that had me so worried. I thought, "Shit, they will never get a wrecker down in here, might as well plant flowers in bed and call it a yard ornament" randyp
  19. Its rather detailish, but I managed to make the 300 in my 86R dump truck run backwards for bout 30 seconds today. It certainly did blow some dirt and crap and also the rain bonnet off filter housing. My air filter looked like a stack blowing dust and black smoke. I also had no oil pressure during that time, and yes, I may have soiled my panties just a tad. Customer living on lake wanted load of topsoil in backyard between his house and lake. I had to back down very steep incline between 2 houses, mirrors almost touching each house, and I mean VERY steep, with the lake at the bottom of drive. Long story short, I got in a bind, had to try to pull up a bit loaded, knew that was bad idea, but tried anyway, during all this process, did some herky jerking, engine reversed, I knew what was going on but was trying to keep from rolling in lake. I knew I was gonna have to kill it and restart, wasnt sure if brakes would hold, set brake, jumped out, drug a cross tie behind rear wheels, jumped back in and killed it, praying it would restart after all abuse I had just given it. It started, I dumped, and got hell out of dodge! I guess I better check my air filter, prolly blew some holes in it. Friends and fellow Mackanians, it was not a fun day, and no, Detroit is not only engine that will run backwards. I ran it rest of day, oil pressure fine, no knocks, I need a t shirt now that says "I ran a 300 backwards and survived" randyp
  20. randyp

    S K Tools

    Thas whut ahm talking bout,,,,randyp
  21. I got tired of watering that plant in this texas drought we in, I just concentrated on watering garden, tomatoes, squash, peas, etc,,,screw that plant, it was my wifes anyway, and prolly wouldnt taste good ifn I tried to eat it,,,the plant that is,,heh heh,,randyp
  22. my nekkid retreat
  23. They are really good well built grills, kinda like craftsman tools,,,heh heh, heres pic with fancy cover and next pic is where I go nekkid when its 109 degrees, wont include nekkid pic today,,,randyp
  24. I just took these pics, its 109 here at 5:30 in evening,,,randyp
  25. Heres what I grill on Tom, Chargriller, cooks whatever Spot drags up, one side propane, one side charcoal, propane bean cooker on left and firebox on right. Even have a fancy dandy cover for it. Dont be being blashpemous and mixing good craftsman tools in with other tools. Randyp
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