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Everything posted by randyp

  1. heh,,,looks like a potential "clearance" problem there Tom,,,,randyp
  2. will see if I can locate that Rob, I know I have it somewhere,,,randyp
  3. Thanks slpwlker, its a very small cab, is insulated good between engine and cab, still gonna ponder on this some more. Not really worried bout a lil extra fuel cost, long as I stay cool and in control. I have gotten sick on it 3 or 4 times this summer from overheating, tinting windows along with air may help even more, plus can shut doors and front window and stop breathing so much dust. thanks,,,,randyp
  4. heh heh,,seen it all now david! randyp
  5. Thanks Rob, Colemans next step up is a 13,000 BTU unit, pulling 51 amps, requiring larger generator, and runs lil over 700.00. Im still doing some thinking on this, appreciate your input. randyp
  6. Well, I am back on the AC for excavator again. My super smart genius engineering uncle says I should just shell out big bucks for red dot roof unit, (2,895.00 just for parts), but Coleman has RV roof air units on sale, one called "coleman polar cub", fully self contained, for lil over 500.00. Its a low profile design, lil under 10,000 BTUs of cooling pulling 43 amps. I have located generator already for 900.00, and have perfect place on excavator to mount it. I wouldnt have compressor mounted on engine, robbing any horsepower, and condensor is in roof unit, so no problems heating up engine radiator dealing with that. Not to mention how easy and quick it would be to install. I thinks I may just have to do it, that sumbitch is melting me down! I think I will also tint windows at same time. You all got any input? Is I gone goofy or what? well,,,goofier randyp
  7. Rob, have to agree with you, I always kinda liked the stance of those models, I hauled a few loads of logs on one like that, maybe a lil older, they were very well made trucks and best I member, rode rather decent,,,randyp
  8. gonna have to have me some of one of those Rhasler,,,randypp
  9. randyp

    S K Tools

    10-4 on the internet stuff! 59,000 miles ago I bought a bargain priced timing belt for my lil chevy aveo parts chasing car, it slipped at 59,000. it was 35.00 online, made in bumscrew, albania, didnt last long. I bought current one from GM, it was 120.00 and when I held old belt and GM belt side by side, there was a world of difference! GM belt was much heavier and thicker. The factory belt on it went 92,000 miles before it slipped and was supposed to be changed at 60,000. Its an interference engine, but luckily has slipped while cranking both times so no damage. I learned my lesson this time anyway,,,randyp
  10. heh heh yeah, and blind as a freaking bat Rob! randyp
  11. Nice unit there rhasler, is one of those an impact driver, if so, what is torque on it? I been wanting one of those...randyp
  12. I wouldnt wanna risk getting a splinter in my "woodie". At my age, aint gonna waste a woodie on a knothole anyway. randyp
  13. hafta agree hat, looks like somebody ran a "unit" in ole Tom,,,randyp
  14. randyp

    S K Tools

    A-M-E-N- AND HALLEELOOYAH BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!randyp
  15. heh heh,,,Mark, here in Texas, "unit" implies new truck or "pecker". I didnt really care to hear it if he got a new "pecker", but I was ready to congratulate him on a new truck. Dern silly ass truck driving Gladys Virginians call a grill a "unit". Well, aint never heard such butchering of the queens english! randyp
  16. randyp

    S K Tools

    I guess bout 2 or 3 years ago, I broke down and bought me a set of thin pump wrenches, for working on hydraulics and servos and related stuff. I know they were pricy as hell, I think they ran close to 300 bucks. I would have to go look but I think they are Martin brand. But, they are super handy dealing with hydraulic pumps, motors, etc. They are a very strong, thin, well made set of wrenches. I like em, just didnt like the price, but have prolly paid for themselves,,,randyp
  17. Hell, me too Rhasler, we gotta school Tom on how to properly title shit,,,randyp
  18. randyp

    S K Tools

    I think the "Laser etched" boldly marked sockets are the best invention since sliced bread,,,randyp
  19. randyp

    S K Tools

    On a sidely note, while back I ordered a set of half moon wrenches or obstacle wrenches or starter wrenches or whatever you call them where you live. I ordered a set of metric and standard from Northern Tool, they were dirt cheap. When they arrived, I knew by weight of box, I might as well have lubed rear end and bent over for them. Wrenches are made by Sunex, China, must have melted down at least 15 or 20 beer cans to make them. Oh well, maybe will work for a lil while,,,,,randyp
  20. No doubt bout it Tom, a female and a brick of C-4 would not be a good mix! randyp
  21. randyp

    S K Tools

    I got a few SK tools, my favorite is Craftsman though,,,randyp
  22. Thanks Mark and same to you and all and families! randyp
  23. randyp

    Poster Babes:

    heh heh,,No, not one Rob, ALL FOUR, however, the shipping bill is gonna be rather pricy, Im sure,,,randyp
  24. Way too much time on their hands,,,randyp
  25. wanna trade a worn out bear and fresh gorilla for a while? randyp
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